Mudkitty pisses everyone on the right, and some folks on the left, off. Often, she pisses me off. So why in the hell have I extended an invitation to her to call into Political Pistachio Radio?
In fact, I have received a number of e-mails telling me that continuing to allow her to continue to comment on the site, and inviting her to the show, is suicidal (in consideration to numbers).
My daily hits at Political Pistachio are half what they were tail-end of last year since the fiasco with Liberal Tom, and since Mudkitty has started commenting again, they have gone down even further.
So back to the original question. Why have I asked Mudkitty to call into the radio show?
This week we have seen in the news a bombing in Algiers, a bombing at the Iraqi Parliament in the Green Zone, an earthquake in Mexico, and rallies defending the illegal alien invasion. Yet, amidst all of these issues, the top two news stories have been the finally reached unveiling of Anna's baby's dad (of which I have not posted on, and really don't give a crap about) and the remarks made by shock-jock Don Imus. The story regarding Imus is huge in terms of where our nation is headed.
In the black community the opinions regarding this issue follows all ends of the spectrum. On Rush Limbaugh I listened to a black woman call in and agree with me fully. On the far other side of the issue I listened to a New Black Panther party member prove he's a bigger bigot than Imus. On My Point Radio Victory Waters gave a great presentation as to why such statements are hurtful. Whites, however, have been very specific on their position (for the most part), either agreeing with me, or being very upset over the comments as was the young women of the Rutgers Basketball team. Here at Political Pistachio, however, and among the people I know personally, the only character in strong disagreement with me on this issue is Mudkitty.
But why?
I am, honestly, curious if she truly even knows why herself. This is why I invited her to call in. However, and I hope you are reading this, Mudkitty, understand that it is my show, and my finger will hit that mute button on you if you get out of hand.
One of my questions is this: If it is so wrong for Imus to say something that is being claimed as being something that can only be said in the black community, then why is it okay for blacks to say things that are despicable about women in general (like rappers do), or about whites (like some black comedians do)?
And what about Mrs. Pistachio? She's Mexican. She has endured a lifetime of racist language against her. She knows what it is like to hear things racially charged all her life. Yet, she believes that even though Imus was wrong in what he said, the reaction by the black community is over the top.
We are all God's children, created equal, and should be united against enemies of America, rather than dividing because some idiot opened his mouth and said something stupid. It's shocking to me that we even have this kind of double standard where some people can say something and others can't. It's shocking to me that a bunch of people can yell out loud enough and get someone fired for it. It's shocking to me that we give more face time to hypocrites like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson than to folks like Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Harry R. Jackson and Angela Winters?
In fact, I have received a number of e-mails telling me that continuing to allow her to continue to comment on the site, and inviting her to the show, is suicidal (in consideration to numbers).
My daily hits at Political Pistachio are half what they were tail-end of last year since the fiasco with Liberal Tom, and since Mudkitty has started commenting again, they have gone down even further.
So back to the original question. Why have I asked Mudkitty to call into the radio show?
This week we have seen in the news a bombing in Algiers, a bombing at the Iraqi Parliament in the Green Zone, an earthquake in Mexico, and rallies defending the illegal alien invasion. Yet, amidst all of these issues, the top two news stories have been the finally reached unveiling of Anna's baby's dad (of which I have not posted on, and really don't give a crap about) and the remarks made by shock-jock Don Imus. The story regarding Imus is huge in terms of where our nation is headed.
In the black community the opinions regarding this issue follows all ends of the spectrum. On Rush Limbaugh I listened to a black woman call in and agree with me fully. On the far other side of the issue I listened to a New Black Panther party member prove he's a bigger bigot than Imus. On My Point Radio Victory Waters gave a great presentation as to why such statements are hurtful. Whites, however, have been very specific on their position (for the most part), either agreeing with me, or being very upset over the comments as was the young women of the Rutgers Basketball team. Here at Political Pistachio, however, and among the people I know personally, the only character in strong disagreement with me on this issue is Mudkitty.
But why?
I am, honestly, curious if she truly even knows why herself. This is why I invited her to call in. However, and I hope you are reading this, Mudkitty, understand that it is my show, and my finger will hit that mute button on you if you get out of hand.
One of my questions is this: If it is so wrong for Imus to say something that is being claimed as being something that can only be said in the black community, then why is it okay for blacks to say things that are despicable about women in general (like rappers do), or about whites (like some black comedians do)?
And what about Mrs. Pistachio? She's Mexican. She has endured a lifetime of racist language against her. She knows what it is like to hear things racially charged all her life. Yet, she believes that even though Imus was wrong in what he said, the reaction by the black community is over the top.
We are all God's children, created equal, and should be united against enemies of America, rather than dividing because some idiot opened his mouth and said something stupid. It's shocking to me that we even have this kind of double standard where some people can say something and others can't. It's shocking to me that a bunch of people can yell out loud enough and get someone fired for it. It's shocking to me that we give more face time to hypocrites like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson than to folks like Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Harry R. Jackson and Angela Winters?
How long before America becomes an Orwellian society, and we are chastised for thought crimes?
Tune in Saturday to Political Pistachio Radio 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern to hear what happens in this mess - and call in to join the discussion at (646) 652-2940. I'd love to hear from you - even if Mudkitty pisses you off.
Goodness! Came over here to re-copy your link. My NEW one is http://gunzup.blogspot.com
Sounds like you've got it going on. I may check it out!
I do not find mudkitty intellectually dangerous. In fact her posts are quite cute and remind me the flaws in views opposite of mine.
I wish the media would one day find the courage to stand up and ignore the sharptons and jacksons. But they are either afraid or actually believe them.
A Message to obob,
As long as the Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharptons of the world tow the Liberal Party Line, the media will continue to back them. That's really what it is all about.
so true so true phil. Hence I refer to the media types as DPOs, Democratic Propaganda Officers
thank you for proving my earlier point
that would be a very special moment in broadcasting
You really don't get it do you?
The greek comment was most likely heard on My Point. That was a Sharpton quote, no one attributed it to you. As far as I heard.
Nice picture Doug....all wet.
Of Course MD, she just assumed we were talking about her. She fails to realize there are more important things out there, and in the scope of life she's nothing but the little white speck on a bird turd on the sidewalk.
Our show had nothing to do with her, and we were speaking with "Al Sharpton". Not to her or about her.
It's so sad how little she listens but it goes to show the real uphill battle we have in trying to get people like her to see reason and be rational.
I'd only add that Sharpton and Jackson are less the "leaders" they pose as than the stooges they actually are for the Democrap party and the white liberal elite. Their truck and trade is dependence, resentment and vicious habits period.
Sorry I didn't hear the radio show--I'm still not able to get decent audio out of my laptop. Someday I'll figure out why some audio is fine and other audio is a whisper.
Great stuff, Doug!
"it goes to issues of personal credibility, honesty and consistency."
Lacking all three, crapkitty, you're really not one to admonish others.
"I'm not intellectually dangerous".
No Douglas, she's not. She's just a mental case.
"...Not only is it ironic, it goes to issues of personal credibility, honesty and consistency..."
Oh this is priceless! gunge kat is citicizing the credibility of someone else. It wouldn't know personal credibility, honesty and consistency if it bit her on the tail.
"...She's just a mental case."
Understatement of the year!
LOL.....how about the fact that I asked her via e-mail rather nicely to never come to my blog again, or comment, and she commented at least 10+ times a day. Then I asked her to stop, over and over and she kept doing it. I started deleting her comments, and she kept doing it, for 2+ weeks.
That is the sign of someone who is mentally disturbed.
People talk about her because they are simply baffled that someone could be that mentally disturbed and not realize it.
It's actually quite sad.
Dear Mrs P
Congratulations on your upcoming US citizenship!
I am a dual citizen too and had many of the same considerations you did before I filled out my application to become British.
Because being American is so much a part of my identity, I thought by taking another citizenship, I was somehow turning my back on part on my heritage and a large part of who I am.
Then, (post-911) an Irish friend suggested I stop dithering for the simple fact that life is getting harder for LEGAL aliens and, as a buch of deadbeats are getting their citizenship, I should not put myself in the position of being lower on the totem pole than them. It is also good to be able to be a voter and have an equal voice in my neighbourhood.
It is also a laugh when people slag me off for being American (ie not entitled to speak) I get to say, hey, I'm as British as you and you're being racist!
I invited my friends to my ceremony, and even though there were a lot of chancers there with their fingers crossed behind their backs who didn't swear their oaths on their holy book (guess which one I'm talking about!) I was quite happy to put my hand on the Bible and swear my alliegance to "Queen Elizabeth the Second, her heirs and successors".
It was a very special day for me and I have no doubt yours will bring a tear to your eye too.
Open Letter to Kitty
I'll tell you the reasons why I think you're a mental case- and they may or may not be different to others' reasons. Brace yourself: -
I have listened to the show in question. You know how you felt treated. I know how I'd feel if I had been treated and spoken to and about in that way.
Here's the deal: If I thought someone or someone's blog contributers were rude to me, I'd stop going to and contributing to that blog.
Simple as that.
That you are apparantly unable to do so makes me wonder the reasons why you can't resist going back.
It would be like black people looking for Imus's next gig so they can listen- and then getting offended all over again.
If, for whatever reason, you feel unable to engage in a genuine and open debate with Jenn or Doug, then the honest truth, I wouldn't bother.
Why don't you take your power back and stop looking for Jenn's or Doug's "approval"?
Look, I've had to cut a blogger loose. I liked the guy and agreed with many of his views, but he and his ccontributers had many strong views about an aspect of my personality. Out of respect for myself, I had to leave them to it and move on. Why should I subject myself to deeply offensive comments and a hostile environment?
Just like the Rutgers girls and Imus- just like you and Jenn and Doug and Dave- I had a choice. I made my choice. I am concerned that your choice is to continue, like a moth to a flame, to set yourself up over and over again, for abuse.
I say it with love- move on.
Wotever Kitty. Perhaps the purview of your "research" should include mid-life crisis maturity issues.
I have more questions than answers with regard to your stability.
Not only are like a moth to a flame where you have explicitly been told you are not welcome- you top it off with statements you know would stretch the patience of Job. Vietnam war memorial "protests" and "Greek pedophiles" ring any bells?
You are confusing intellect with attention seeking; and you are old enough where you should have gotten over any ADD issues some time ago.
Please don't give use Pete Townshend "research" excuses for your behaviour: you are a stalker. Simple as that.
18 comments out of 35 from someone who has been asked not to comment here. 18!
And just to be clear, this was after telling you to go away numerous times.
Here is an e-mail I sent Kitty on the 26th of March, she continued commenting on my blog up until Saturday April 14, and only because I figured out how to ban her range of IP addresses for good.
From: Jenn
To: S B
SendDate: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 13:15:57 -0400
Subject: Re: Not just banned...
Look, I'll put this more clearly, because telling you to f*** off, leave, get lost, deleting your comments and banning your ever changing IP addresses hasn't worked.
You are no longer welcome on my blog, not that I haven't said it before. It has nothing to do with free speech, I allowed you to have your "say" for almost a year did I not? And you abused that. You act respectably on Doug's blog and then like a complete nutjob on mine. I've tried to be nice, tried to make my point clear and you've failed to listen. Your stalking must end.
Go away. Do not contact me, do not comment on my blog, do not call our radio show, do not e-mail me.
If you fail to comply with this simple request, then I will contact att.net about your behavior.
Thank you,
Jenn of www.screwliberals.com
That was pretty nice considering her behavior.
here's what I think of Kitty's "research".
Dang 'Kat. this isn't about left or right anymore, it's about you being asked numerous times by Jenn to not come back, then being told numerous times by many including yours truly that you wore out your welcome in the jungle. You. Specifically. Yet, as a stalker you continued to show up.
Ooooo, crapkitty's going to cache her comments. We're scared.
Get a life, tool!
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