Okay, you can pick yourself up off the ground, now. I get a lot of e-mail from far left whackoes as well as hate mail from Islamists. I normally ignore it, delete it, and usually never even look at it. Every once in a while, out of curiosity, I will read the e-mail, usually then laugh tirelessly, and delete it.
However, today the text of the e-mail I received from this unknown sender: "Are you aware that your opinion about Muslims is THE EXACT SAME that Hitler had towards the Jews? And don't give me that "Muslims are the Nazis of our time" sh** that you Freepers come up with - it's not like your kind likes the Jews anyway," caught my attention.
It did not catch my attention because it was something new. I get this kind of stuff a lot from The Left. And believe me, I realize this is dangerous responding to such an e-mail, and I realize that I am essentially feeding this kind of idiocy by even giving it the dignity of a response that it hardly deserves. However, because of how common this kind of liberal attack is, I decided to address one of them.
Funny thing is, the Muslims even disagree with that statement regarding who is more like Nazis, as indicated by the photo above and below. They are more than happy to equate themselves with Nazis.

Now, let's get something straight. Not all residents of these Muslim countries are members of the enemy group. In fact, I heard on the documentary, Epicenter (based on the book by Joel Rosenberg) that conversion to Christianity in Iran is at an all-time high! But, my opinion about Muslims that wish to wage Jihad, and destroy Israel, and bring about the demise of The West is hardly Hitleric. In fact, my opinion towards this enemy is akin to that of Roosevelt and Churchill towards Nazi Germany. Let me help you understand. My attitude toward these people is not hate. It is the realization that if we don't defend ourselves, they will kill us. Simple as that.
Understand, the ultimate goal of this war against terror is the protection of the United States of America. Iraq is merely a battle in this war. Since the surge has been put into place progress has been made in numerous ways. As progress is being made against the insurgents, tribal leaders are realizing we are the ones that can be trusted, and less American lives are being lost as stability in a number of provinces is being attained.
Is this battle in Iraq related to our war against terror? Al Qaeda seems to think so.
But why invade Iraq? What did they have to do with 9/11?
Iraq had more to do with 9/11 than the media will tell you. Much of their involvement was indirect; training, and financial support. But realize, we did not invade the people of Iraq, we invaded Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Could you imagine a world today with Saddam still in power?
In addition to all of the known reasons for not abandoning Iraq (bloodbath, regional instability should we leave, etc.) is the location of Iraq. The nation is at the heart of where terrorism breeds and from where terror strikes from. And, due to the location of Iraq, our presence there serves as a buffer between the nations bent on a new Holocaust, and our allies in Israel.
I do not like war. I do not like the fact that our troops must fight on foreign shores. But as a military veteran I understand that such wishes of peace do not jive with the reality we find ourselves in. Peace, due to the fact that the world contains a lot of evil in it, can only be secured through strength - and action if necessary. Reality dictates that remain in the region, and even if you are against our presence in the region, you know as well as I do that a sudden withdrawal would create nothing less than an all-out blood bath orchestrated by al Qaeda (who has a great interest in the region). Remember, Iran, whose leader (Ahmadinejad) is convinced that he must create an Armageddon type scenario in order to free Islam's 12th Imam, and Syria (who has a history of links to terror in the region) wish us to pull out as well. Since when should we bow down to the wishes of the enemy?
Oh, yeah, Hollyweird does (i.e. visits with Castro and Hugo Chavez).
So which is it? Are we proud Americans striving for victory? Or are we doom and gloomers ashamed of the fact that we have it so good in this country?
Personally, I prefer victory.
Added note: The blogger at http://www.rightontheright.com/ is raising money to try to get to the Gathering of Eagles event coming up next month in Washington D.C. - Pay him a visit and donate a few bucks. He promises to give us a good report about his trip on Political Pistachio Radio after he returns, by the way, so we gotta get him there. :)

Also, don't forget, Terry Funderburk will be on Political Pistachio Radio this coming Wednesday at 5pm PST/8pm EST. Tune in live to hear his story about his battle with competitors that hire illegal aliens, and how he was arrested for taking a stand!
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