The Mayor of New Haven, Connecticut, John DeStefano, has decided that it is wise to give illegal immigrants in his city an ID card to assist them. His statement regarding this move was that we need ". . .to be real about why this is happening first of all. The failure of the federal government to recognize and embrace thousands and thousands of hard-working residents, is subjecting those people and their families to abuse and exploitation."
Are you kidding me? Embrace? With what? They are driving this nation and it's people into the toilet with their invasion. And don't give me this "they do jobs Americans won't do." I do a job that I'm not supposed to be willing to do in the construction industry when I'm not blogging or hosting my radio show. Even though the unemployment rate is under 5% due to Bush's economic strategies which includes a tax cut that needs to be made permanent, there are still plenty of Americans without jobs, and I guarantee you that if the illegals vacated those positions, Americans would be glad to slip into their place.
"Oh," would say the opposition, "what about the higher wages that companies would have to pay?"
I say, What about the American worker's need for a job? And if you are so worried about the expense of business going up for these business owners because they suddenly have to pay legal wages, rather than slave wages, how about having the government step back and eliminate the unbelievable amount of regulatory fees and licenses that also make it very expensive to run a business? That way, businesses can afford to be run, and the American worker receives more jobs. Let's invest in a free market and legal business environment by eliminating illegal workers, slave wages, and taxation and fees that breaks the back of American businesses!
And what about those businesses that are being run legally, but can't compete because of the companies low-balling them on bids because they pay less for their worker's wages?
Ask Terry Funderburk about that one this coming Wednesday on Political Pistachio Radio! Terry is a business owner that is slowly going out of business because he can't compete against businesses that are breaking the law (laws that are not being enforced) by hiring illegals!
And here is a link for a video from ABC News asking folks what they think of the decision by New Haven to provide ID's to the local illegals.
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