Sunday, November 04, 2007

Answering Caday at Townhall

My townhall blog, "A Right Angle in a Left Turn World" is an extension of Political Pistachio. In the comments section of an article over a month old a debate has been going on between myself, Flame, and Caday5. Caday seems to think that Israel is an aggressive nation, and that Palestinians have every right to the land that Israel currently holds. Oh, and he claims that his findings are Biblical and proclaims that he is a Christian. For the most part I have stayed out of the discussion, but finally had to put in my two cents. So, based on Senator James Inhofe's speech in March of 2002 (Republican from Oklahoma), here is my answer as to why Israel is entitled to the land they inhabit.

Israel's Land: Caday, I think what Flame and I take most offense to is your claim that Israel is a terrorist nation and must, for some reason, give up land to a nation (Palestine) that never truly existed, and which is only in the mix of things for the sole reason of destroying the Jewish Nation. What it all comes down to is the question: Is Israel entitled to the land? (which by the way, as I see it, is a small portion of what the Jews should have).

In March 2002 Senator James Inhofe, Republican from Oklahoma, gave one of the best speeches ever given on the floor of the U.S. Senate, and the title of the speech was "Seven Reasons Why Israel Is Entitled to the Land."

Archaeological Evidence

Reason #1: Every new archaeological dig supports the fact that the Jews have had a presence in Israel for 3,000 years (including coins, cities, pottery, and other cultural artifacts). The Jewish Claim predates the claim of any other people in the region. The ancient Philistines are extinct, as are other ancient peoples. they do not have the unbroken line the Israelis have. The first modern Israelis are direct descendants from the original Israelites.

Israel's Historic right to the land

Reason #2: Israel existed as a nation until the time of the Roman Empire. Even after dispersions (70 AD and 135 AD) a strong Jewish presence remained. Turks took control 700 years ago, ruling until defeat in WWI. Britain promised in 1917 to set aside captured lands for Jewish state (all of Israel and Jordan of present day), and there was no outcry at the time because it was worthless land, unable to sustain any sizable population. Arabs only began repopulating the area after Jews reclaimed it AND the land began to prosper under their care. No nation in the region has a long-standing historic claim to the land of Israel other than the Jews.

Israel's practical value to Middle East

Reason #3: Israel is a marvel of modern agriculture. She has brought more food out of the desert than any other land. the Arabs ought to befriend Israel, import Israeli technology, and make the Middle East, like Israel, a food exporter. The Israeli Defense Force brings stability to the troubled Middle East, which if they didn't, would make it necessary for the U.S. to commit thousands more troops at the cost of billions of dollars to secure a land that is critical to our national security inasmuch as the oil-rich Persian Gulf is at stake.

Ground for Humanitarian Concern

Reason #4: 6 million Jews were slaughtered in Europe in WWII. Jews were persecuted in Russia under the czars, under communism, and even now. For their own protection and development, the Jews need their homeland. If not there, then where? the enire nation of Israel fits into the state of Oklahoma seven times.

Israel is a strategic ally of the U.S.

Reason #5: Israel is an impediment to groups hostile to America. Were it not for our strategic ally, Israel, the Islamic Jihadists would overrun the entire Middle East. We have only one friend in the region we can count on. Israel votes with us in the United Nations more than any other nation, including England, Canada, France, and Germany.

Israel is a roadblock to terrorism

Reason #6: The war we face is not against a sovereign nation but against a fluid group of terrorists who move from one country to another. They are almost invisible. We need our alliance with Israel. If we do not stop terrorism in the Middle East, it will be on our shores. I believe the spiritual door was opened for an attack against the United States beause the policy of our government has been to demand and pressure the Israelis not to retaliate in a significant way against terrorist strikes launched against them. since 1948 founding, Israel has fought four wars: War for Independence (1948-1949), Sinai Campaign (1956), Six-Day War (1967), and the Yom Kippur War (1973), and in all four cases Israel was attacked. They were never the aggressor. They won all four wars against impossible odds.

Israel's Land Is God Given

Reason #7: Genesis 13:14-17 states "The Lord said unto Abram. . . Lift up now thine eyes, and look form the place where thou art. . . for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever. . ."

And don't forget that Christians are warned not to boast against Judaism because of the favor God has given to the Gentiles for the time being in Romans 11:17-22

Genesis 12:3 reminds us that God will bless who blesses Israel and curse who curses Israel.

Those that claim to be Christians and teach the replacement theology, essentially stating that Jews were replaced by Christians as God's chosen people forget that Jesus was a Jew, and the Jews did not crucify Christ - Rome did under the instruction of a minority of Jews. The early Christians, were in fact, Jews. Israel's closest friends should be the American Christian. Your theology, Caday, is flawed and non-Biblical.

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