Last night I began to watch Sunday Night Football on NBC and during the pre-game show they turned out some of the brighter lights on the show. Something about going green. I wondered what they meant. Were they going to start drinking green tea? Had their color filter malfunctioned and they were going to broadcast only in green? Was somebody sick? Green with envy? Had they hired the Incredible Hulk?
Okay, fine, enough goofing around. NBC/Universal has decided that The Goreacle (a.k.a. Al Gore) is putting entirely too much money in his pocket over this man-made global warming thing, and they want some of that money too - so in a cheap marketing ploy, they are embracing environmentalism, and the myth of man-made global warming.
Don't misunderstand me here. I agree that we should be good stewards of the planet. We should do what we can to curb our appetite of pollution spewing things simply because it may be the responsible thing to do. But I am not going to play into the hype that the doomsday environmental activists proclaim, and I do not think we have much of an effect on the atmosphere, or at least not to the extent that Al Gore and his citizenry of the Socialist Church of Man-made Global Warming seems to advertise.
Do I appreciate clean air, open space, and drinkable water? Sure I do. But I don't believe that pumping money into a skewed propaganda campaign, and turning off a few lights, is the key to keeping this planet healthy.
In fact, if you consult science (real science, not that phony crap that the Global Warming Druids are pushing) you will take note that the number one contributor to greenhouse gases is water vapor. And where does that come from? The oceans of the world. Second place on the greenhouse gas attack are volcanoes. Humanity produces a minute amount compared to the grand scheme of things. So small is mankind's influence that an insect colliding into your helmet while you are riding a bike is more likely to knock you off that bike, than for our small contributions to the atmosphere to change weather patterns as people like Gore suggest.
Fact is, this is the same old hype that appears periodically. In fact, this type of hype seems to appear in a cyclictic manner, in sync with the natural cooling and warming cycles our planet experiences without our help, or the help of big bad SUVs and full size pick-up trucks.

In 1895 the scientists, and the jumpy press, warned that another ice age was coming. Heck, that one lasted well into the 1920's before the alarmists realized that the ice wasn't coming. In 1929 a warming spell began, and guess what? That's right, alarming headlines proclaiming the Earth was heating up, and that warming spell lasted well into 1969. And interestingly enough, the culprit pinned down in 1938 was Carbon Dioxide. Then the 1970's arrived, and suddenly, we were heading for another ice age again. Alarms went off, magazines and papers proclaimed we were no doubt heading for a big freeze over. And now, long after the years we should have been forced to wear mittons and heavy jackets, we have Gore, once again changing the hype, and trying to convince everyone that we are going to drown in a sea of warm water, and our coastal cities will be destroyed. Maybe if we're lucky, San Francisco will be one of those.
Unless it starts [gasp] to get cold again!
Besides, all of this carbon footprint garbage, like the rest of the man-made global warming theory, is a straight out lie. It turns out, after studies of Antarctic Ice Cores, that an increase in carbon dioxide levels, the much hyped 'cause' of global warming, actually happens long after the warming has started. In other words, an increase in Carbon Dioxide levels does not cause the globe to warm. In fact, it is the exact opposite. The rise in global temperature causes an increase in atomospheric carbon dioxide levels.
So as much as I hate to say it to NBC and Universal and all of those other "Green is Universal" participants: "You are gullible, and have fallen for a well calculated, and very lucrative, lie."
Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to jump into my gas guzzling truck so that I can buy myself more lights. I plan to turn on as many lights as I can to offset the idiocy of the Global Warming crowd.
Ah, and don't forget that tonight at 9pm Eastern Time I co-host with Andrea Shea King on her BTR Show
And tomorrow is my special 50th episode of Political Pistachio with the MyPoint crew, Dave and Jenn!
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