Pakistan's President, Pervez Musharraf, has declared martial law. The Pakistani constitution has been suspended, and their Supreme Court has been silenced and thrown out. There is a global outcry over his emergency rule - but better his dictatorship that is America-friendly, than allowing the Islamic nut-cakes getting their hands on Pakistan's nuclear capabilities.
Writers Guild of America has gone on strike, leaving Jay Leno without any jokes because he's not bright enough to come up with his own material. Who cares?
Turns out that King Tut, according to people that claim they can figure such things out, died in a hunting accident.

Kucinich has an impeachment resolution against Cheney that remained alive in the House of Representatives, and then moved to Committee. I find it interesting that rather than spend there time doing things like, oh, I don't know, running the country, the Democrats in Congress would rather spend all of their time attacking the Republicans, and essentially preparing for their final push for the White House. Amazing, really. It seems obvious to me that their search for power is more important than the running of this country. Oh, by the way, Kucinich's attempt to impeach Cheney was foiled.

And of course any papers that may be incriminating to Hillary Clinton will not be made available until after the election. After all, we wouldn't want the facts of Hillary's past misconduct to affect the voters in their decision for president in the 2008 election, would we? This stinks to high heaven of Democratic Party meddling, and Liberal Media bias (not that we expect the Liberal Left to behave any differently). But, hey, it's not like Hillary is a criminal, or anything. Right?
Hmmmm, let's ask Hsu.
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