American Conservatives preach that Republicanism, as shaped by Ronald Reagan, view humanity in an optimistic fashion. Humanity, according to Conservatives, have great potential. We are a people who can be better than we know that we can be. However, because humanity is flawed our governments must remain small, and such a government should be bound by contracts with the citizens known as constitutions. And also, because of the flaws of humanity, there must be checks and balances through an internal system of balanced powers. Political power should be decentralized, giving authority to state and local governments because they are closest to the people. Conservatives also believe that a free market economy works best when it comes to distributing goods and services, and that the government should stay out of the way of such. Taxes are a necessary evil, and money is required to allow the governement to function, but like the government, the taxes should be kept small, fair, and nonburdonsome.
This way of life, the American System under conservative leadership, should be protected by avoiding international alliances that seek to globalize government control. The nation's sovereignty should be fiercely protected by guarding the borders. The American Way of Life must cling tenaciously to the ways of the Founding Fathers, making sure that these values are impressed on the next generation.
Democrats, Liberals, or whatever you wish to call them, look at Americans as a people that cannot accomplish or overcome the obstacles of life. Americans are needy, encouraging the Democrats to help by deploying welfare policies and big-government benefit programs. Liberals look down upon people who claim they are self-reliant, feeling an arrogant condescension toward them, refusing to accept that we can lift each other up by teaching fellow Americans that they have the ability to do great things, without the government handing out welfare checks and food stamps along the way. For feeling this way, in the eyes of the Liberal, Conservatives are mean-spirited, racist, sexist, bigoted homophobes.

The enemy we face threatens our American Way of Life just as tyrants of the past have, and Liberals of the present do. Like the British we won our independence from them, like Nazi Germany, the Communists of the Soviet Union, the Communists of today's North Korea and China, and like the socialists of the Democrat/Liberal Party, Islam practices a suffocating spirit of tyranny. Islam practices a complete disregard for life with soul-killing domination and the complete absence of choice to its people. Islam covers its victims with the shroud of helplessness and a brute power that obliterates individuality with the constant threat of death.
Faced with such threats from Liberalism and Islamism, it would be prudent for the United States Government to be relentless in its defense of traditional values, personal liberty, small government, the unborn, and America's security.
However, American's have not been trained to be independent. Liberalism emerged through the fires of the sixties and early seventies (and in some cases ever before that) and is in the early stages of applying the socialist politics our Founding Fathers sought so fervently to protect us against. Democrats are introducing socialist oppression in small bursts, slowly training us, and indoctrinating our children, to be dependent upon the government.
In the end, as was pursued by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (and still is in some ways), and as is being pursued by China, Liberals wish to replace God with government. I, however, cannot adhere to such an attempt, for I believe that there is one God, and because there is only one God, there is absolute moral truth, and the morality being administered by Liberalism, is not that truth.

Liberalism's grasp for power has nothing to do with ideas outside of controlling the White House, controlling Congress, and controlling the American populace. And their drive for power knows no rules of ethics. Liberals employ the media, practice incessant frivolous ethics charges against anyone they deem dangerous, employ lawsuits they know will not be challenged out of fear, and disgraceful tactics on the floor of the House of Representatives. These conspirators seek to replace the American Way with a socialist agenda that demands the dependency of America upon the government, and to destory the Conservative Revolution with the politics of personal destruction, the undermining of our youth, the destruction of America's political atmosphere, and the decay of moral values as a whole.
Unfortunately, the liberal disease has infiltrated the Republican Party as well. Our own President, George W. Bush, though a warrior when it comes to facing the Islamic Fascist enemy, adheres to a Global Agenda that demands a porous border and international alliances that seek to weaken and eventually eliminate America's position as the greatest nation on the face of this planet. Neo-cons like Bush believe that it is the duty of America to spread democracy across the planet and spend the taxpayers hard earned money frivolously in order to force conservatism through big government programs like the "No Child Left Behind Act."
As a Conservative, I cannot support that. I cannot support anything that promotes dependency upon a government that can't even balance its own budget, nor can I support going into a country with the sole purpose of spreading democracy to that nation. However, if in our fight to stop the tyranny of Islamic Terrorism a democratic governement takes hold in a country, as it is trying to in Iraq, I would be a fool not to encourage the United States to nurture that government, and hope that we will continue to assist Iraq in becoming the nation it is capable of being in this post-Saddam era.

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