Keith Olberman's recommendation that President Bush "Shut the hell up" ended a ten minute rant that makes me wonder if Olberman has all of his marbles in place.
I know that Olbermann and Obama desire a world without weapons and war, and a world where the United States is not the military leader of the world. They abhor our nuclear capabilities, and they are ashamed of America's exceptional position in the world as a leader and as the planet's greatest nation.
People like Barrack Hussein Obama and Keith Olbermann have aligned themselves with the New Age freaks, foreseeing the next step in humanity's evolution, a world without poverty, without the need for a military, and the opportunity for the evolution of the species where one experiences oneness and solidarity in a fantastical liberal utopia.
Olbermann claims that anyone disagreeing with him, or supporting any part of the George W. Bush Administration, is living in a fantasy world, and is not rooted in the realm of reality.
All of this whining and freaking out by the liberal left has erupted because George W. Bush made a statement indicating that the Islamic Jihad is the enemy of our generation, and compares those that are calling for withdrawal and calling for peaceful, heart-warming talks with the enemy, to the appeasers of Hitler in World War II, and more specifically, Neville Chamberlain.
Well, Mr. Olbermann, sir, it is you that is living in a fantasy world that is not rooted in reality. It is you that fails to understand that the purveyors of Islam, the religion of hate and violence, does not care what you say or do. All that the members of the Islamic Jihad wish to accomplish is to either convert you into a soldier of terror, or kill you. Honestly, I would love to live in a world of peace and safety, where weapons of mass destruction are a relic of distant history. I would appreciate a worldwide society where humankind has advanced to the point that a simple discussion or negotiation is all that is required to avert a deadly war. But, you see, Mr. Olbermann (and all of you liberals out there reading this), I reside in a world of reality where there is a ruthless enemy that could care less about what you wish for or desire. The enemy's utopia is much different than the utopia you envision. Their's is one in which you are dead, and America is ruled by Sharia Law.
Listen to the audio of MSNBC host Olbermann's unhinged rant, combined with my commentary (and the commentary of a few of my listeners), on Political Pistachio Radio - Your home for conservative news and commentary.
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