President Barack Obama is searching for a way to create a path for illegal aliens to become legal. Immigration reform, apparently, is becoming a priority of the Obama Administration. Their policy for immigration will attempt to control immigration, and make it an orderly system.
I have an idea. How about we just enforce the laws on the books in the first place?
Following the law does not fit into the power-grabbing plans of the Democrats, so Obama will defer to another plan. Instead of following the laws of the United States, he would rather make legal status available for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. Coincidentally, Latino voters turned out in very large numbers for Obama in the election.
In other words, legalizing 12 million illegal aliens that have broken the law by being here without going through the proper channels adds 12 million voters, minus however many are children, rapidly to the Democrat voter base.
From an economic standpoint, the move is foolish also because it will legalize unauthorized workers while so many Americans are in the unemployment lines.
Obama says those people are already working here. He is correct. They are working here illegally, while an American that could be doing that work (and don't give me that "Americans won't do that kind of work" crap) instead of struggling in their search for employment.
Legalizing the illegal aliens also boosts the census. By adding population, and by controlling the census as the White House has decided to do, Obama's gang of thieves will be able to alter how districts are apportioned.
Increases in the census populations in the cities will also enable the government to, based on the new higher numbers, increase the output of benefits that will not only further encourage a welfare state of dependency, but also increase the govermental control over the citizens.
After all, with the bailouts, we have learned, when you take government money, you lose freedoms, and they gain more control over your lives.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Obama Census Plan: No Illegal Alien Left Behind - Michelle Malkin
Obama to Push Immigration Bill as One Priority - New York Times
Selling the Welfare State Through the Census - Terry Jeffrey
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