Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Reality Of Obama's Health Care Plan

President Barack Obama recently spoke to a Green Bay, Wisconsin crowd about his health care plan. He reassured everyone that his plan was nothing like the socialized medicine plan in Britain, or Canada. He scoffed at the Republican idea that once the federal government creates a plan, as Obama envisions, it will lead to a government take over of the entire health care system. He is selling his plan as being no different as just another insurance plan that is out there to provide an alternative to folks who are unable to afford, or use private insurance. If you have insurance already, you can keep it, he says. In fact, Barry has indicated in some speeches that adding a government plan to the market will actually increase competition, and bring down prices in the industry.

I still can't figure out if Barack Obama is stupid, or knows that everything he is saying is a flat-out lie.

The Lewin Group projects that up to 119 million Americans will change over to the Government plan, should Obama's health care plan be voted into existence. This movement of individuals to Obamacare would represent about 70% of people currently on private employer, or non-group coverage changing over to the public plan. The impact on the private insurance industry would be a significant loss of profit from the loss of customers, plus a cost-shift that would inflate the costs to private insurance since the payment for services by the government plan will be lower than what the medical providers normally receive from the various insurance providers. The two factors combined will be sufficient to create a loss of profit which will eventually create a financial shortfall that will force the private insurance companies out of business, leaving Obama's health care plan as the sole remaining provider, therefore limiting the choice of Americans to only being able to use the government plan.

In order to control costs to the government program, Obama will need to (and plans are in the works for such) create a Federal Health Board to come between you and your doctor. The board will micromanage the practice of medicine, and in essence decide for you whether or not you will need the care you are requesting, while also increasing the time before you will be treated, should your request for care be approved by the bureaucrat in Washington assigned to your case. In short, the board will ration health care.

Ultimately, though not planned by The One to be such, the Obama plan will eventually become a socialized health plan not unlike Britain's or Canada's, no matter how much Obama tries to assure us otherwise. And, in the end, the cost will become too great, and government will begin to cover less and less procedures and services, therefore increasing the need for supplemental insurance, as is the reality in Canada. In other words, you will be paying increased taxes for government health services that you may, or may not, receive, and still also be at the mercy of insurance companies that will emerge in the future to cover what the government won't cover, paying monthly premiums, that, when combined with the taxes you will be paying for Obama's plan, will not only fail to save you money, but will in the long run increase your costs when it comes to health care.

In short, Obama's Health Care plan will limit your choices (therefore, eliminating yet another freedom), become more costly to the government and to you individually, and will ultimately cost lives because of the slowed down system that will result in waiting periods for care - meaning that persons needing care may die before receiving said care (as is becoming common place in European nations that have socialized medicine).

As for those mounting an attack against my argument at this very moment, I am betting that the liberal left will no doubt tout medicare and the Veteran's Administration as shining examples of how well the government can run health care programs. Medicare, however, is bankrupt, and from personal experience, when compared to private medicine, the VA is an abject failure. Sure, the VA has gotten better over the years, but still falls way short of being adequately comparable to private medicine. Recently, for example, I requested a diagnosis from both VA, and my private doctor, regarding some pain problems I was experiencing. Both VA, and my private doctor, referred me to specialists. Both came to the same conclusion, but VA took six months to bring about their diagnosis. The private doctors advised me of my diagnosis in two weeks.

The Obama Administration has also admitted that the cost of running his health care program will be astronomical to the taxpayer. Spending is already out of control, and Obama wants to spend more on his precious health care system. Not containing the Democrat's out-of-control government spending will ultimately force interest rates to rise, making it more expensive for home buyers, corporations, and the U.S. Government to borrow money, threatening to further stagnate an already weakened economy.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The Cost and Coverage Impacts of a Public Plan - The Lewin Group

Why a New Public Plan Will Not Improve American Health Care - The Heritage Foundation, Walton J. Francis

How a Public Health Plan Will Erode Private Care - The Heritage Foundation, Robert E. Moffit, Ph.D.

Obama Praised Daschle's Federal Health Board Idea - The American Spectator, Philip Klein

Obama open to health-reform board - The Politico, Mike Allen

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