By Douglas V. Gibbs

Once every once in a while the Democratic Party, understanding they don't have a chance in the arena of ideas, pulls enough deception and demonization against a handful of Republicans to win some power. Their attacks were in high gear while George W. Bush was in office, bringing back memories of their insane liberal hippy, McGovern craziness, from half a century ago. During the last eight years the lies were enough to convince a fairly large segment of voters (while the GOP succeeded in alienating their conservative base) to give the Democrats the Congress in 2006, and the presidency in 2008. And ever since the hard left liberals hi-jacked the Democrat Party, and turned it into the circus it has become, the attacks have become more vicious, more frequent, and more widespread.
In a true example of their stupidity, the liberal left then decided that they were the majority, and that the nation is heading left, and that nobody likes the brand of constitutional conservatism brought to the forefront by people like Ronald Reagan, and Barry Goldwater (and originally made popular by the founding fathers of this nation).
A recent poll on Gallup, of which has remained consistent since the beginning of the poll a couple decades ago, shows 40% of Americans claim to be conservative, 35% moderate, and a whopping 20% liberal.
In support of my theory that the left has their heads so far up their butt they have to open their mouths to see, James Carville tonight on Anderson Cooper's 360, when faced with the reality of the Gallup Poll, proclaimed "I thought it broke down 40-40-20."
The Left is out of touch with reality. Unfortunately, they found a way to drag America along with them into their carnival house of horrors.
Fact is, most people in this nation consider themselves conservative, and most moderates identify more with the Republican Party than the Democrat Party. Obama's approval rating is tanking, and the Congressional approval rating is locating all-time lows. CNN and MSNBC have less viewers combined than does Fox News, and CNN has fallen to the bottom of the stack again.
On top of all the bad news for the Left, their wonderful Barack Obama is a worthless turd. His proposals are so radical that America is recoiling from him - yet, Obama is pretty much matching his past political record (remember how he was always voting "present"?, but never really taking any position, or voting on anything that could come back and bite him later?). In other words, Obama has accomplished nothing. His cornerstone issue, Health Care, despite having enough Democrats to vote it into law, is still being debated. Energy bills have not been passed. His promise to the gays to end "Don't Ask Don't Tell," and other pro-gay issues, have been pushed into the corner. He has failed to be decisive when it comes to the war in Afghanistan, while his generals beg for more troops, and as his hesitation kills the troops and leads the American death toll in the month of October to be the worst month since the beginning of the war. Meanwhile, Obama has campaigned worldwide in the hopes of at least remaining popular with the international community (and he got a Nobel Peace Prize out of it, though nobody can figure out what he did to deserve it), gone out on dates with Michelle, had a burger with Biden, shared a beer with a professor and a cop, spent a large share of time and taxpayer money on vacations, and has golfed more in his first ten months in office than Bush did during his entire eight years.
No wonder this idiot gets nothing done - he's not in Washington (and especially the Oval Office) long enough to get anything done, except maybe wipe Nancy Pelosi's nose.
Well, at least he works on his putting. He's already good at putting America into a hole.
Now if only the GOP can get their act straight, otherwise the Republicans may see more scenarios like what is playing out in New York's 23rd District.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Conservatives Maintain Edge as Top Ideological Group - Gallup
Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval - Gallup
CNN Falls to Last Place in Cable News - Politics Daily
Generic Congressional Ballot, GOP Holds Lead for Another Week on Generic Ballot - Rasmussen Reports
Obama swings it to play even more golf than Bush (and all in less than a year in office) - Daily Mail Online, U.K.
Deadliest Month in Afghanistan ....again: 55 American troops killed in October - Atlas Shrugs
New York District 23 and Doug Hoffman - Political Pistachio
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