Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obama's Gifts to Palestine

By Douglas V. Gibbs

President Obama seems determined, at whatever the cost, to slap Israel in the face as much as possible. This time, rather than dictate to Israel what they can build in their own capital city, President Barack Obama has promised Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abba $400 million in aid to Gaza and the West Bank (which as always will not go to the people, but straight to weapons, ammunition, and missiles to be used against Israel).

Meanwhile, as Obama tosses money around for the violent Muslims of Palestine to use to kill Israelis at will, Obama urged Israel to consider halting its blockades on Palestine.

The part that really gets me is that all of these millions of dollars are being handed out to Islam for the purpose of Israel's destruction is our taxpayer dollars. You, my friends, against your will, are funding the terrorist group Hamas, so that the killers of Hamas can continue to wield power in the Palestinian territories, and launch attacks against the tiny nation of Israel.

Obama's meeting with the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, is being praised as a sign that the Obama government is reconsidering its prior support for the blockade after Israeli military forces were attacked by so-called peace activists who attempted to "run the blockade."

Of course. Obama is blind to the fact that the Free Gaza flotilla was more interested in getting weapons into Gaza, than to supply the zone with food and medicine for the people.

Hamas could care less about the people. There primary objective is the destruction of Israel.

In regards to the blockade, and the conflict between Palestinian terror groups and Israel, Obama says a "better approach" must be found, though he had no suggestions regarding what that better approach may be.

Obama also fails to acknowledge the constant barrage of missiles fired by terrorists into Israel throughout recent history, or how because Israel stood up to the terrorists on the Flotilla, the amount of missiles flying over the border into Israel has been curtailed.

An example of how the enemy responds when a nation takes a strong stance.

The White House says this latest gift in the guise of aid represents "a down payment on the United States’ commitment to Palestinians in Gaza, who deserve a better life and expanded opportunities, and the chance to take part in building a viable, independent state of Palestine, together with those who live in the West Bank."

A down payment to a group that is a part of the Islamic Jihad we are at war with? Have these people gone completely insane? I agree they deserve a better life, but that must be achieved by themselves. The people of Gaza and the West Bank are struggling because they choose to. Until they decide that taking care of themselves is more important than killing Israeli innocents, their plight will not end. And because of their "Jihad" mentality, any aid, no matter how well intentioned, will not go to food and medicine, but to weapons and ammunition.

Palestinians do not desire, ultimately, a two-state solution. They desire the destruction of Israel.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Obama Pledges New Aid to Palestinians - New York Times

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