By Douglas V. Gibbs
It is interesting how the Democrat Party blames Bush and the Republicans for the economic mess we are in, though the Democrats rejected Republican pleas to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2001 and 2003, though the Democrats rejected Republican pleas to discontinue the practice to encouraging loans by lenders to high risk borrowers, though the Democrats have had control of the Congress since 2007, and have had control of the White House since 2009.
Every time I turn on the television and watch anything, the deterioration of society is evident. The cartoons mesmerize our children with the leftist agenda, networks like MTV are indoctrinating our teenagers and young adults with liberal propaganda, and today's television shows are not even worth watching for the most part because of the agendas that are interwoven into most of them. We are literally watching our younger generation be seduced by, for lack of a better word, evil. Every tyranny sought to seduce the young and impressionable minds, because they are the society of tomorrow.
The tactics have never changed. The dark agenda seeks to deceive us, and blind our eyes to the truth. The statists disguise themselves as agents of good, claiming they are compassionate, and servants of righteousness. The progressive disease has seduced our leaders, the entertainment industry, the press, and academia. They seek the downfall of the individual, the downfall of those that seek to do right through personal responsibility and moral standards. They turn nature and the wisdom of the ages against us. They seek to destroy the U.S. Constitution, which in turn would be a defeat of the rule of law. They accuse, and lie, so that they may spread their liberty-killing ideology.
A recent campaign ad here in California proclaimed that Democrats are for community, and Republicans are for leaving people out there to fend for themselves. Deceptive to say the least. The ad took a seed of truth, and turned it into something else. Conservatives believe in community. Acting as a united community must be a voluntary thing, first of all. Second, unless I achieve individually and put myself in a place where I have extra, I am no good to the community. Once I achieve individually, then I can give back voluntarily to my community through local involvement, and charity. However, the liberals believe that you must be forced to be a part of the community by government mandating it, and stealing your money through excessive taxation so that it may be distributed as the government believes is best accomplished. If you have a problem with that, then you are labeled as uncaring, and not compassionate.
A seed of truth, twisted into deception and lies.
Does the tactics of the Left remind you of someone? As Mick Jagger sang, "Can you guess my name?"
Clearly, liberals are not interested in the things of God, the Constitution, or what is morally right. You can be sure they will do everything they can to hinder us in our search for personal achievement, truth, and understanding. The Left hates truth unless it serves their purpose, and only use truth when it is to their advantage, and can lead you astray. They weave their lies into the truth to accomplish the deception, and if that doesn't work, they will attack you personally, or become more forceful in applying their agenda.
Then, when they overreach, they are exposed, and so they attack with all they have, and then draw back again in defeat, only to strike again later.
The progressives see the average person as foolish, unable to think for themselves, and unable to see the big picture. They seek to thwart us from our paths, hoping to tempt us into snares of false information. Your mind is their primary target, and they will do anything to gain control of it. They will try to convince you that if you don't buy particular products you are destroying the Earth, if you don't pay more taxes you are forcing people to go hungry, if you don't vote for Democrats you are saying "no" to fighting despair, if you are not willing to support all of their entitlement programs it means you think all poor people are lazy, and if you don't accept the socialist agenda of government dominating the private sector you desire that our economy collapse. . . when in reality it is their policies that are destroying our society, keeping the poor in poverty, making people go hungry, causing misery and despair, making people dependent upon the government so that they won't attempt to achieve for themselves, and is causing our financial system to collapse.
Those of us fighting for the truth have no need to fear. The Leftists always expose themselves for the fools that they are, and we will defeat this latest attempt to destroy the American Way. But each time the 16-year cycle works its way around, and the liberal left goes after the next generation of young voters, it gets worse, because a residual effect from the last attempt remains. This time we must be vigilant. We must not only defeat the Left, and kick them out of our government (again), but remain involved, and hold the GOP's feet to the fire too, because progressivism has infiltrated the Republican Party as well. Though the GOP has not completely turned over to the dark side, the establishment leadership has (for the most part). We cannot afford to lie down on the job again. This is our last chance. The next liberal push may be too much for us to fight off. We are on the Niagra River, and in the distance is the falls. If we don't all grab oars and start rowing in the opposite direction, the next time a leftist grabs the helm we may all go over the edge. . . to our nation's doom.
I believe in America, I believe in her Constitution, and I believe in the American People. We are a God-fearing nation that loves our liberty, and appreciates our founding.
Let's act like it; and put on our armor.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis - Political Pistachio
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