Monday, September 02, 2013

Case Challenging Pledge Of Allegiance Reaches Massachusetts High Court


Unknown said...

No one should ever stand for, nor chant, the Pledge of Allegiance because it was the origin of the Nazi salute and Nazi behavior (see the new book "Pledge of Allegiance + Swastika Secrets" by the author Ian Tinny, regarding the work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry). The gesture was not merely similar. It is brainwashing and continues to cause Nazi behavior. Francis Bellamy was a religious wacko, a "Chrisitan Socialist" and his pledge was originally a small part of a larger program that included hymns, prayers, and references to the Bible and God, including the phrase "under God." That is why the original full pledge program cannot be performed in government schools (socialist schools).

Douglas V. Gibbs said...

I wrote a post about the Pledge, which more or less confirms your accusation, with one big difference - our exceptionalism took what was meant to destroy us and turned into something meaningful, patriotic, close to our hearts, and something we added God to. Read here: