Sunday, September 01, 2013

Obama Backs Off On Syria. . . because of narcissism

By Douglas V. Gibbs

A series of headlines on Drudge Report tells the tale of the tape with Obama when it comes to the President's desires regarding allying with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, and al-Qaeda (Makes you wonder why Obama wants to keep the White House visitor logs from the public, doesn't it?).  More important to Barack Obama, than his Muslim heritage, is his narcissistic need to be adored.  With the cries of hypocrisy rising up through the ranks of both parties (Obama and his team contradict past statements on war powers) when he let it be known he was willing to strike Syria without congressional approval, when the idiocy of his "limited strike" strategy was criticized (Obama stresses only limited Syrian strike on the table, Critics Doubt Effectiveness of US Strike on Syria), when nations around the world pulled out of any chance for him to put together any kind of coalition (Russia Criticizes, U.K. Italy Germany Out, Support Slipping, U.S. Defends Plan for Syria Attack), and when even his own people began to question his sanity - Democrat Alan Grayson: Obama's case for striking Syria flatly false - (while pointing out his naivety and amateurism on the matter) in regards to Syria, like the self-loving narcissist he is, he has pulled back from his previously war-mongering rhetoric.

And to think this guy won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Here's how this morning's Drudge Report headlines read:

Syria is using the weapons of mass destruction that Saddam Hussein shipped there during the Iraq War.  During our time in Iraq, while the democrats were dancing around claiming that Bush was a liar because there were no WMDs in Iraq, I calmly referred to the testimony of General Sada, a high ranking military officer in Hussein's war machine, who explained that as the United States telegraphed their intentions to invade Iraq, and their intention to search for Weapons of Mass Destruction, so Saddam simply put the weapons on trucks and sent them to Syria.  We had evidence of Hussein using these weapons on the Kurds, and we had audio of Iraqi officers discussing the use of chemical weapons (as John Kerry claims to have regarding Syria's use of the weapons today).  But, the leftist media, refusing to admit anything that might assist Bush, rejected all of it.  Now, for not tracing the location of those weapons, and retrieving them from Syria before, we are paying the price.

TUESDAY, JULY 11, 2006



Oh, and by the way, in Syria it may be more than Assad using these weapons. In fact, perhaps Assad didn't use them at all. Some stories claim the rebels might be drawing the gullible American President into the conflict.  Amateurs are easy to manipulate, and the Islamists are using that to the hilt.

In other words, "Could the Islamists be using Obama for a fool?"

It is easy to fool fools. . .

And this is not the first time Obama has tried to criminally assist the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Islamist Jihad:

Quote from Article: We’re not just talking about the bribes the Muslim Brotherhood received in Egypt,but the entire Muslim Brotherhood finances—worldwide—that more than likely included an astounding $8 billion dollar bribe to the Muslim Brotherhood made by the Obama regime.

And Obama is not the only one being manipulated:

Islam is doing what it can to bring about their version of the end times, a worldwide caliphate, and the global domination of Islam.  Our President is an accomplice.

1 comment:

joetote said...


"who explained that as the United States telegraphed their intentions to invade Iraq, and their intention to search for Weapons of Mass Destruction, so Saddam simply put the weapons on trucks and sent them to Syria"

It should be noted further as to "telegraphing our intentions": I just saw on the news that an informed source is pointing out the Syrians are moving their assets into mosques, schools, hospitals and civilian areas seeing as what targets "should be possibly targeted" has already been opined on and in effect leaked by the administration.

Nothing shocking there, but right in line as to what happens when one has idiots in charge.