Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Clinton To Obama: Keep Your Promise On ObamaCare

by JASmius

I'll let the singularity-magnitude twisted irony of that headline sink in for a few moments.....

This, of course, from the same weasel who accused Republicans of "begging for America to fail" by predicting precisely the ObamaCare disasters that have unfolded before our bloodshot eyes - which is its own stomach-turning irony, since Democrats spent the entirety of the Bush years rooting for America to fail in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the entire War on Terror, and that was depicted as "patriotic".

Sick Willie also pooh-poohed those "dire" GOP predictions and presaged Debbie Wasserman-Schultz by assuring us that O-Care would be "a big plus" in the 2014 midterms.  Now he pirouettes and pretends to ape Ted Cruz.

In other words, classic Bill Clinton.  Especially as keeping the "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan" promise means the bailout (i.e. effective nationalization) of the health insurance market, which would be depicted as Barack Obama having "saved" it like he purportedly did the banking sector and the automotive industry.  Republicans would be far better served to cut to the chase, take advantage of the rightward-shifting Overton window, and push for full repeal.  They wouldn't get it, of course, but that would set the table for another midterm election blowout and build the momentum for eventually attaining that objective.  After all, it took the Left eighty years to get this close to socialized medicine; after the public having a taste of its horrors, it oughtn't take the GOP more than a couple of election cycles to get rid of it - if they can keep their eyes on the prize, and their dk'taghs out of each other's backs.

Oh, and this is the first salvo of Hillary! 2016, I guess.  Lotsa luck with that one, Mr. Bill.

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