Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Hard Starboard Radio: Limitless Corruption

Official who wrote "limitless risk" memo was the same Tony Trenkle who refused to certify healthcare.gov as secure, and was then either fired by the Regime or fled before they could liquidate him; "Incompetent, bureaucratic, and cumbersome" are GOOD things - Godbama says so; O makes Bernie Madoff look like Tiny Tim; ObamaCare's worst case scenarios; As Republicans and the rest of non-Obamunist America wander in the wilderness, it's dawning on Democrats that that's where they're headed - permanently; The New York Times REALLY hates Israel, doesn't it?; And is Chris Christie the Abraham Lincoln of our time?

Help us stuff the elephant into a bird cage at 6PM Eastern/3PM Pacific 7PM Eastern/4PM Pacific .  And don't forget the Astroglide.

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