Wednesday, November 27, 2013

IRS To Close Down Conservative Nonprofits

by JASmius

If you thought IRS-gate ended with Barack Obama's alleged re-election, guess again, Riddler:

The Obama administration moved on Tuesday to rein in the use of tax-exempt groups for political campaigning.

The effort is an attempt to reduce the role of such loosely regulated yet influential super PACS as Crossroads GPS, which was co-founded by GOP political strategist Karl Rove, and Priorities USA, which ran searing ads against rivals of President Barack Obama to support his re-election last year.

The Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department proposed new rules that they said would prohibit such groups from using "candidate-related political activity" like running advertisements, registering voters or distributing campaign literature as activities that qualify them to be tax-exempt "social welfare" organizations....

Conservative groups bitterly attacked the proposed rules, charging that they represented yet another attack on free speech by the Obama White House.

"This is a feeble attempt by the Obama administration to justify its own wrongdoing with the IRS targeting of conservative and tea party groups,” Jay Sekulow, a lawyer representing more than three dozen of the groups in a federal lawsuit against the tax agency, told the New York Times.... 
“Unfortunately, it appears that the same bureaucrats that attempted to suppress the speech of conservative groups in recent years has now put together new rules that apply to (c)4 groups but do not apply to liberal groups like labor unions,” Nick Ryan, founder of the American Future Fund, told the Times.

The organization spent at least $25 million on political advertising last year, according to the Times.

“I wish I could say I am surprised,” Ryan added, “but I am not."

Me, neither.  If anything, this burgeoning tyranny appears to be accelerating.  This, ObamaCare, the nuclear sell-out to the Iranian mullahgarchy - it's like O is building towards his Final Crisis climax like a freight train.  And there's nothing we can do to stop it.

Not that some Republicans aren't giving it the old college try:

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp questioned the White House's decision.

"There continues to be an ongoing investigation, with many documents yet to be uncovered, into how the IRS systematically targeted and abused conservative-leaning groups," the Michigan Republican said. "This smacks of the administration trying to shut down potential critics."

Gee, ya think?

But let's not be too hard on Chairman Camp; as I've said on many an occasion of late, it's simply human nature not to want to believe the worst, of a person or a situation, and particularly of somebody who has been, or in whom you have, entrusted with vast power and influence.  More and more Americans are making this ominous realization only now, when it is far, far too late to make a difference.

In the original make of the movie Red Dawn, we see a Soviet invasion of the United States in microcosm, focusing on a small guerrilla band of Colorado high school students who call themselves "the Wolverines" after their school mascot.  Their fate is as grisly and hopeless as one would expect.  But then the final scene jumps to a post-war monument commemorating the Wolverines' sacrifices after the U.S. somehow repelled the Red Army from American soil.  Because we're never given much in the way of big picture details on the run-up to the invasion, we get no information on how this victory was achieved, and at what overall cost.

Similarly, we would all like to see the equivalent of "Partisan Rock" commemorating the American people's overthrow of the Obama dictatorship.  The difficulty is in seeing the pathway to get there.  Sure, the 2014 and 2016 elections loom ahead, but will they be allowed to take place, other than in the sense that Saddam Hussein held "elections"?  Will we even be alive to contest them after the Iranian EMP attack?

We're in a race for our way of life and our very lives themselves - and we've given the big-eared enemy in the White House a vast head start.

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