Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Senate Nuclear Option Move Towards Totalitarian Dictatorship

“… democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they are violent in their deaths.“ -- James Madison

“Democracy, in its best state, is but the politics of Bedlam; while kept chained, its thoughts are frantic, but when it breaks loose, it kills the keeper, fires the building, and perishes.” -- Fisher Ames

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The Democrat Party does not misunderstand the United States Constitution.  The leftist, progressive radicals of the Party of the Jackass understand the Constitution just fine, just as President Barack Obama does.  They are not doing whatever they can against the Constitution, or rules inspired by the Constitution, because they don't understand it.  They are opposing the Constitution because they don't like it, and they find it to be a hindrance of what they are trying to infest our American System with.

The United States Constitution was written with the intent of creating a central government for the external issues, so as to protect, promote, and preserve the union of sovereign, autonomous States.  It was not created to handle local issues, or to micro-manage the lives of the citizens.  Like us, the States are supposed to be individuals, making their own decisions on local issues, without federal influence.  It is the responsibility of an informed electorate to keep the States from acting tyrannical, and it is the responsibility of both We The People, and the States, to be a check against a growing federal government.

The important role of the States, which hinges upon their autonomy, has been under attack by Statists since Alexander Hamilton created the bogus concept of Implied Powers, and the judicial branch claimed that in some cases States are not sovereign, as in the case of Chisolm v. Georgia, 1793 (which ultimately led to the 11th Amendment, which was an attempt to protect State Sovereignty against the courts).  Protecting the autonomy of the States was a major concern of the Founding Fathers, for the States through the Senate, and the People through the House of Representatives, were not only the cogs and gears of lawmaking in Congress, but would serve as the ultimate check against a power-grabbing executive branch.

Since then, the States have been removed from the equation by the 17th Amendment.  Now, the statists are trying to remove the people from the equation.

As a republic (we are not a democracy) the aim was to create as much division of power as possible.  By doing so, it would also encourage as much debate as possible.  The gears of government were designed to grind slowly.  The idea was to create a system that required so many different approvals, that only the best laws were able to make it through the arduous process.  Debate is good, and the founders demanded that it be a part of our political system.  It was the only way to protect the minority opinions from being crushed by the tyranny of the majority, and it was also a way to protect the less populated States from being overrun by the more populous States.

Unlike republics, tyrannies are very efficient.  All the dictator has to do is demand his will, and then the powerful voices that surround him rubber stamp its approval.  The idea is to give the illusion of democracy, and the illusion of a representative system, when in reality tyranny is nothing more than an oligarchy, where the powerful few rule over the many with little, or no, opposition.

President Barack Obama is not satisfied with the system the founders established, and instead is twisting the system to be more like a tyranny.  What is worse is as the democrats fashion this country into a totalitarian dictatorship, Obama dares utter that his is a system the founders actually intended.

To help the political system along the road to tyranny, the democrats have initiated in the U.S. Senate what is being called the "Nuclear Option," which means they have eliminated a 100 year old rule that enabled filibusters, and requires 60 votes for cloture.  Right now they are only applying their new rule to nominations, but adding it to legislative measures will be next.

To defend their tyrannical power grab, Harry Reid said that the chamber “must evolve” beyond parliamentary roadblocks. “The American people believe the Senate is broken, and I believe the American people are right,” he said, adding: “It’s time to get the Senate working again.”

In other words, the system is broken if any roadblocks exist that stand in the way of the democrats getting everything they want.

Karl Marx once said, "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."

After the vote, Obama told reporters at the White House that Republicans had turned nomination fights into a “reckless and relentless tool” to grind the gears of government to a halt and noted that “neither party has been blameless for these tactics.” However, he said, “today’s pattern of obstruction . . . just isn’t normal; it’s not what our founders envisioned.”

Never mind that the republicans have confirmed 99 percent of Obama’s judicial selections.

We are two steps, and a shuffle, away from becoming an absolute oligarchy.  And Obama, and his liberal left minions, didn't do this for the reasons stated, either.  The purpose is to stack the courts with their judges, so as to make any challenges to Obamacare, and anything else they do, near impossible, and to render the Congress powerless.

Cicero noted that when Rome began to topple, the fall began with the roman caesars consolidating power, and in the process rendering the Roman Senate powerless.

What is next, if suddenly he gets another Supreme Court Justice position filled, will be the United States Supreme Court announcing that the 22nd Amendment is unconstitutional, allowing Obama to run again in 2016.

After that, who knows?  Perhaps they will dismantle the branches of government, and announce Barack Obama as King Magnificent the First - Or Perhaps King Messiah the First.

Of course, the other nice thing for the democrats about the nuclear option being waged is it also distracts us from the difficulties involving Obamacare.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary  

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