Sunday, November 03, 2013

Lindsey Graham Goes Nuclear Over Benghazigate

by JASmius

Wow, I wouldn't have thought the simpering RINO had such hardball mettle in him:

Separation of powers; coequal branches of government; congressional oversight.  Simple as that.  I'm almost as taken aback at Senator Grahamnesty's assertion of these constitutional concepts as I am his apparent willingness to throw down the gauntlet to O.

I say "apparent" because of his subsequent qualification of that declaration with his appeal to his Republican and Democrat colleagues to support him in his stand.  Since there's no more chance of that backing coming from the latter than there is of the White House relenting to the South Carolina senior sentator's demand, one could conclude that this is just a symbolic gesture meant to bolster his re-election chances next year.  Only his RINOism, which could very well delude him into believing that his Donk "colleagues" would be capable of betraying their "god," tempers this cynicism with a hint of his possible sincerity.

As to his post-twenty-week abortion ban bill, that's pure symbolic red meat to the Tea Party grassroots.  But, on either front, one can always hope that something worthwhile can actually be accomplished, even if initiated with the most ersatz of motivations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Graham is getting press because he's up for re-election again in 2014.

Seriously, congressional members will use whatever 'leverage' they can to get on the air to support their upcoming election.

Anyone who reads this - reform will NOT come from D.C. - it is too corrupt for reform. Reform will come from citizens who get themselves elected into STATE assemblies -- then implement our founding fathers 'emergency strategy' for an out of control Federal Government -- Article V in the Constitution. They wrote it for a reason.