Friday, November 22, 2013

New York Times Turning On Obama?

by JASmius

White House press corps accuses Obama Regime of restricting access to King Hussein.

I don't know that I'd calling it "turning on Obama".  I simply believe that, as the latest Marxist to fail miserably at making Marxism successful, the Marxist media is separating its interests from those of the man they've worshipped as a pagan idol going all the way back to the 2004 Donk convention, and are setting off in search of their next pagan idol who will make Marxism successful, guaranteed - i.e., precisely what they believed and assured us about Barack Obama.  Because, once again, politicians transiently come and go - even "messiahs" - but the media, in their self-estimation, are like the College of Cardinals - they're permanent.

And so far, they're right.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I guess they don't want images because they don't want historical proof of who is at what meeting when what bad idea or legislation is put forth. So whom is Obama meeting with that he doesn't want us to know about?