Friday, November 01, 2013

ObamaCareality, & Why Warnings Are Never Enough

by JASmius

Yeah, we can say we warned everybody, we can say "We told you so!", we can sardonically gloat about foreknowledge that didn't require much in the way of precognition because it couldn't have turned out any other way because its antecedents have ALWAYS turned out this way.  But it will not change the fact that people not directly involved in something generally do not pay much attention to it or to warnings thereof and pretty much always have to find things out the hard way - as millions of LIVs are now encountering with ObamaCare.  And once they do, they mostly do not take well to being berated about having been warned.

But it is important to provide proper context for their spluttering anger.  If they understand what has been done to them and why, it will be a lesson they'll never forget.

Of course, it will also be a lesson they'll never be able to pass on despite their best warnings, and their descendents will have to learn it for themselves all over again, which is why they'll be doing battle over "CastroCare" a decade from now.  That's what the rule says.  But we can't do everything for them.  That's a lesson we had better learn.

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