Monday, December 23, 2013

GOP's Stockholm Syndrome

By Douglas V. Gibbs

People are confused. Why aren't the Republicans fighting back?  Are they so afraid of being called racists that they are unwilling to criticize Obama, and instead go after their liberators, like Ted Cruz?  The budget deal, for example, accomplishes nothing, and raises spending.  The GOP had no reason to give in.  Yet, they did.

Perhaps, after being tortured continuously by their Democrat captors, and the hard left media, they suffer from Stockholm Syndrome.

The Liberal Left plays mind games, and the Republican Establishment has fallen for them.  It is a psychological game, and as with the Stockholm Syndrome, the GOP has decided to reject their liberators from the TEA Party, and are defending the Democrats.  They seem to mistake the lack of the final crushing blow by the leftists as being some kind of act of kindness.  It is as if the republicans feel privileged to be able to occupy Washington with the Democrats.

The Democrats, and the media, harass, threaten, abuse and intimidate the GOP.  They use tactics like character assassination, and the race card, to get what they want.  They hammer on the republicans constantly, and the GOP has become convinced that being critical back will hurt them in elections, and might upset the overlords of the leftist ideology.

The GOP seems to believe that if they act like they believe in some of the same things as the Democrats, the liberals will cease to be a threat.  The problem is, it is the aim of liberalism to eliminate all opposition.  To silence The Right.

Only an informed electorate can turn this around, because obviously the republicans have cashed in their common sense for bondage, and failure.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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