Monday, December 23, 2013

Susan Rice On Benghazi: "I Don't Have Time To Think About A False Controversy"

by JASmius

National Security Adviser Susan Rice discussed the Benghazi scandal last night on 60 Minutes. The former US diplomat told Leslie Stahl,  "I don't have time to think about a false controversy."

Of course they have time to spin a story to cover-up the truth. They have time to make up lies and spin it in the media. But they don't have time to discuss the truth. She is another liar in the Obama fan club.

Yet more proof, on a topic drowning in it, of just what the Obama Regime thinks of the jeopardy they're in over Benghazi-gate - which is to say, utterly none whatsoever.  And they're not, because while we labor within a moribund system of laws that handcuff us, they operate above said law where only power matters.  And they have all the power.  Hence, this mockery of justice will never, EVER be rectified, or even avenged.  The 2012 election saw to that.

Rice is also right about not having time for "false" controversies; after all, she's got so many more Benghazis to plot and execute.  It is her job, you know.

UPDATE: A thought just occurred to me - if this Benghazi-gate is a "false" controversy, does that mean Ambassador Stevens and his three Navy SEAL protectors are still alive?  And would that mean that al Qaeda's been holding them prisoner for the past fifteen months or the Obama Regime?

I guess that'd still be a "controversy," and probably a "false" one.  But at least they'd still be drawing breath.

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