Monday, December 23, 2013

Hard Starboard Radio: Tim "Loki" Kerlin, R.I.P.

I didn't know Loki as well as everybody else did - and there was nobody who didn't know Loki - but I met him online once my friend Douglas V. Gibbs and I started American Daily Review four and a half years ago.  That led to guest shots on Political Pistachio Radio Revolution (where the "afterglow" segment was unforgettable) and eventually the chance to guest-co-host PPRR with none other than Loki.  I can say without a shadow of a doubt that that was among the most fun and enjoyable two hours I've ever spent on BTR and terrestrial radio.

Thanks to the miracle of podcasting, you can re-live that august occasion for yourselves at 6PM Eastern/3PM Pacific.  As Jean-Luc Picard said to Ambassador Sarek, I definitely got the better end of that bargain.

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