Monday, December 23, 2013

Hell Hath No Fury.....

by JASmius

I have two stories in front of me, and no matter how long I compare them, I just can't decide which is the more interesting.  So I'll let you all decide for yourselves.

The first is entirely expected, though no less heartening:

A defiant Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson told a Bible study class in Louisiana Sunday that he isn't backing down from his anti-gay stance, saying his controversial GQ Magazine comments came from the Bible and he's not sorry he said them.
Uh, it's not an "anti-gay" stance.  Mr. Robertson did not utter one, single, solitary criticism or condemnation of homosexuals.  Rather, he was asked by the GQ interviewer - in typical media "gotcha" fashion - what his "views" were on homosexuality, and he answered from Scripture: that homosexuality is a sin, just as is fornication, lying, stealing, cheating, murdering, cursing, and so on.  No sin is greater or lesser than any other.  For it is written, "[F]or all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."  From which is deduced that one type of bodily orifice was clearly designed to offer ingress, and the other egress.

I guess it should have been expected that the media would follow the Robertsons to church.  I wonder if A&E realizes how much publicity they're gaining for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He really does work in strange and mysterious ways.

"I will not give or back off from my path, because you conquered death, Father, so we are not worried about all the repercussions," Robertson, wearing his trademark camouflage headband, told the class at White's Ferry Road Church in West Monroe, Louisiana, reports the Daily Mail....

Robertson told the Bible class that he was "just reading what was written over 2,000 years ago. All I did was quote from the scriptures, but they just didn't know it. Whether I said it or they read it, what's the difference? The sins are the same. Humans haven't changed."

Oh, they knew it, Phil, they knew it.  For it is also written, “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.  If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.

In addition, Robertson denied that he is "a hater."

"I love all men and women," he said. "I am a lover of humanity, not a hater."

He also said that "sexual sins are numerous and many" and admitted he has "a few" himself.

See Romans 3:23 above.

If any bunch are "haters," it's the folks at A&E.  That is why they "just don't know," because their impenetrable self-righteousness and moral supremacism render them blind to their own sin and divine accountability.

Which brings us to story #2:

A new pro-Obamacare advertisement, featuring shirtless men dancing to a parody song set to the tune of "Let it Snow," is full of offensive, gay stereotypes, complains the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay rights conservative group.

The ad was created by Out2Enroll, an organization formed to help homosexuals find health insurance coverage that works for their needs. But according to Mediaite, Log Cabin Republicans complain that it carries a message similar to "Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson's homophobic comments that have drawn so much criticism from the left.

"This ad is also an example of the left promoting harmful stereotypes that gay men are nothing more than sex-crazed lechers," the Log Cabin Republicans said in an online statement. "If anyone on the right made such a comparison, liberals would be apoplectic. At a time when left-wing propagandists are decrying Duck Dynasty‘s Phil Robertson for equating homosexuality with promiscuity and deviance, Out2Enroll and others should take a look in the mirror and ask if the truth is that they are the ones responsible for promoting such harmful stereotypes."

Leaving aside that the Log Cabiners are themselves promoting a "harmful stereotype" - and, you know, "Log" - this presents the White House with a fascinating PR conundrum, as they're being, in effect, accused of not just homophobia, but religiously-derived homophobia.  The only way this could have been more insulting to The One is if they'd called him a "practicing Christian".

But wait - there's more!  Like the Regime's continuing marketing obtuseness in what they think will appeal to the demographics they're attempting to target.  First "Pajama Androgyne" was deployed to appeal to young "adults," and now the New Village People are rolled out to persuade homosexuals.  I mean, you would expect Obamunists to not bother to even try to understand their enemies, but these are ostensibly among their core constituencies.  Next thing you know they'll be advertising O-Care to African-Americans by casting Joe Biden as Step 'n Fetchit and having him do his Rochester impersonation.

And all in service to a "product" that nearly two-thirds of the country doesn't want and hates with a fiery passion.

But I guess this isn't a PR problem for Dr. Chicago after all, since Log Cabiners are not "real" homosexuals by dint of their being Republicans, so they pretty much have no shot at regaining health insurance.

I bet Phil Robertson would lend them a hand.

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