Thursday, December 26, 2013

"I Stand With Phil" Petition Links Restored On Twitter

by JASmius

Interesting, as I must have missed the story reporting that Twitter had severed those links:

"I stand with Phil" petition links have been restored on Twitter after supporters of the "Duck Dynasty" patriarch, Phil Robertson, claimed the social media site purposely blocked the website for political reasons.

Earlier in the week, Twitter users attempting to post links to the "I stand with Phil" petition website were prevented from doing so, receiving messages that the content they were posting contained malware or that the site was spam.

Well, now, that's an interesting coincidence.  One that, curiously enough, Twitter lunged to disavow:

In a statement to on Tuesday, Twitter claimed the incident was an "error" stemming from an "outside organization."

"The URL was mistakenly flagged as spam tonight, by an outside organization that tracks spam sources. We have restored access and apologize for the error" Twitter told

Actually, I'm inclined to believe Twitter's alibi, given the sheer magnitude of the blowback against A&E's actions.  If the former wanted a pound of duck flesh, I'd think they would have blocked any pro-Robertson links to begin with.  To do so deliberately and then flee for the tall grass at the first squawk of "I Stand With Phil" protest not only creates PR trouble Twitter doesn't need but would make them look cowardly and insufficiently committed to the sodomite cause, which would only draw heat from that direction as well.

Though I wouldn't mind knowing the identity of this "outside organization" that bolleaxed the links.  Was it Lavender sabotage, perhaps?

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