Sunday, December 01, 2013

Iran "Far Too Close" To Nuclear Bomb, Terror Threat Greater Now Than Pre-9/11

by JASmius

Two stories that just seem to go together.

First, the means:

[W]e should be truthful, Hayden told Fox News Sunday.  "We have accepted Iranian uranium enrichment."

The "red line" with Iran has clearly changed, Hayden told host Chris Wallace. 
"Right now, the Iranians are far too close to a nuclear weapon," he said. "We have hit the pause button. Now we've got to negotiate hitting the delete button with them."
At the end of the day, Hayden said, "Iran's going to be a nuclear threshold state."

Nothing new in General Hayden's comments from a week ago.  We're helpless because O has presented this surrender as a fait accompli; Hayden, like other critics, is still inexplicably fixated upon the mullahs getting a single nuclear weapon when they're looking for, or have already built, an entire arsenal of warheads and the ICBMs to deliver them; and he's not acknowledging the latter possibility.

And now, the end:

The U.S. is in greater danger of a terrorist attack than it was prior to September 11th and has less ability to prevent such aggression by [Muslims], key congressional intelligence leaders said Sunday.

"I think terror is up worldwide, the statistics indicate that," Senator Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat and chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on CNN's State of the Union.

But....but.....but I thought the Muslim world loved us now.  I mean, Godbama gave a speech in Cairo!  He isn't George W. Bush!  We turned Egypt over to the Muslim Brotherhood, we gave Libya to al Qaeda, we surrendered Iraq to the mullahs, and now we've blessed their nuclear arsenal!  We've given them all everything they wanted!  And bin Laden is dead!  They couldn't possibly still want to kill us all, could they?

"The fatalities are way up. The numbers are way up. There are new bombs, very big bombs. Trucks being reinforced for those bombs. There are bombs that go through magnetometers. The bomb maker is still alive. There are more groups than ever. And there is huge malevolence out there," Feinstein said.

"I think there is a real displaced aggression in this very fundamentalist jihadist Islamic community. That is that the West is responsible for everything that goes wrong and that the only thing that's going to solve this is Islamic sharia law and the concept of the caliphate," Feinstein said.

Well, that answers that question.

Again, none of that is any surprise, other than its source.  I could include some quotes from DiFi's House counterpart, Representative Mike Rogers (R-MI8), but gob-smackingly enough, she pretty much covered it.  And you cannot convince me that those trucks aren't being reinforced to conceal and carry nuclear warheads.

But let's follow the conventional wisdom and think small.  Suppose there is another 9/11-level attack - what will be Barack Obama's reaction to it?  It can't be like his stubbornly oblivious and dishonest reaction to the ObamaCare disaster, if for no other reason than that there he's refusing to do what the people want and scrap the whole thing.  In the case of another large-level jihadist attack, the public would demand proactive retaliation, and he would be well advised to keep the public's focus there and defer as long as possible public realization of the fact that everything he ever said about the War On Terror was complete fecality - or, in other words, Bush was right.

But then we know how O would really react, don't we?  He wouldn't.  He would give a televised address from the Oval Office urging calm, restraint, not "rushing to judgment," and "exhausting all diplomatic avenues" first.  That would give his cloistered secret police time to frame the Tea Party as responsible for the attacks.

In short, his reaction to 9/11 II would be precisely the same as to the ObamaCare disaster.

And ditto a nuclear 9/11.

Remember, whether or not he leaves office when he's supposed to, Barack Obama will never face the voters again.  So he has absolutely no reason to pretend to be anything other than the Muslim-sympathizing, America-hating communist that he is.

When we were warning the country a year ago that the 2012 election was a matter of life and death, we weren't waxing hyperbolic.  And now the piper is coming to collect.

And he likes....mushrooms.

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