Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Liberal Left Up In Arms Over Lion Killer Photo. . . Which is a Fake

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The liberal left is real good at putting out false information, and even after it is proven to be a load of crap, convincing enough people that is was true so that they can use it as yet another nail in the coffin against their opposition.

A great example of the liberal left's tactics in this regard occurred in 1998 when a report was released regarding a DNA inquiry into whether Thomas Jefferson fathered any children through one of his slave girls.  The rumor was two-centuries old, and the liberal left saw the potential of a confirmation as the perfect blow against conservatives, and the Right's "worship" of the Founding Fathers.  According to the results, the DNA testing conclusively proved that Jefferson had indeed fathered a child by his slave girl.  News outlets jumped all over it, and somehow it negated the arguments against President Bill Clinton's sexual misbehavior.

Eight weeks later the story was retracted quietly, without fanfare.  The scientific researcher that had conducted the test announced he had not actually proven Jefferson fathered any children with his slave girl.  The initial report was totally discredited.  It was too late, however.  As the retraction was ignored, or stuffed on back pages of publications where it wouldn't be noticed, the damage had already been done.  Enough people had heard the news that the slave-owning white man that was involved in the founding of this nation was making babies with his young teenage slave girl.  The message was out there, and that was all that mattered.  To this day, even conservatives argue with me over the issue, they themselves convinced that though they wish to see the founders in a certain light, they can't exonerate Thomas Jefferson for his horrible deed. . . that actually never happened.

Sarah Palin is another great example of the liberal left tactic of "bait, switch, and hide the truth."  To this day I have a co-worker that swears to me that Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house.  Tina Fey actually said that, while doing an impression of Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live.  The Leftists jumped all over it, proclaimed the statement made by Palin (which was actually made by Fey) was proof of how stupid McCain's running mate was, and they used it to destroy her.  The idiotic accusation that Sarah Palin is dumb as a stump, even though she is one of the most brilliant conservatives out there, remains attached to her to this day.

A new example has emerged, now, in an effort to continue to destroy the integrity of our armed forces.  The liberal left hates the military, or at least they will until the day they can change the armed forces into an ally that they can use against the American People (hence the reason they are working so hard to disarm us with gun control laws).  They are always looking for ways to discredit the United States Military.  Abu Ghraib was a gift, but they haven't had much of the same luck of late, so now the liberal left has resorted to creating a scenario out of thin air, with poor photoshop skills, and a vivid imagination that targets the big hearts of liberals.  The Leftists don't care whether or not you, the informed readers of Political Pistachio, believe them, just as long as the weak-minded uninformed voters, and die-hard liberal left sheep who are willing to accept anything and everything the liberal left dishes out, believes them.

Kind of reminds you of Ben Kenobi in the landspeeder on Tatooine, doesn't it?

"These aren't the droids you're looking for."

View image on TwitterThe accusation?  According to Former Afghan Ambassador Jawad (The near-Star Wars name is funny considering the example I just used, right?), American soldiers have killed the last lion in the Kunar province in Afghanistan.  Except, the photo is a fake.  The reality, and absurdity, of the whole thing has not been noticed by the leftists, and I am expecting MSNBC to be all over this.  The image, however, shows evidence of ground and cloud replication (upper left of photograph is the most obvious evidence of that), and the image of the dead lion itself has turned out to be one of a sleeping lion (go back to the image at the beginning of this piece for the pic of the sleeping lion), with a little red splashed on the forehead by some kind of photoshop program to make it look like the crack shots of our U.S. Army got the perfect head-shot during the hunt.

The sad part about all of this is there will be a high number of zombies out there, despite the evidence, claiming that the killing of the last lion really happened, and it is all the Republican Party's fault.

It is amazing how easy it is to fool sheep with a lion, isn't it?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Former Afghan Ambassador falsely accuses U.S. Soldiers of killing the last lion in Kunar province - Twitchy

Phony photo of US Soldiers killing lion in Afghanistan goes vial, Original photo of lion identified - Twitchy

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