Thursday, December 26, 2013

Banana Crisis Blamed on Fake Crisis of Climate Change

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The liberal left always has to find a way to make themselves feel good, to cover up their guilt, or to forward their agenda, or make you believe they are backing a good cause, or whatever.  They will do whatever it takes, be it jump on bandwagons without knowing the facts, or creating a crisis and then making up the particulars as they go along.  They will pull out all of the stops to get you to believe it, too.  Everything, to these people, is political.  Everything is about their agenda.  They use the media, movies, children's programs, the education system, commercials, political correctness, politicians, threats, and guilt-trips.

The Leftists are pretty good at it, too.  They can get you to believe just about anything.  It's sort of like the old saying, "If you say something long enough, it becomes the truth."  I even hear people who consider themselves to be conservatives spewing the bullcrap.  Even they, those that claim to oppose the Left, fall for the propaganda when it is applied just right.

A couple days ago I broke bread with a good friend of mine from my world of trucking.  His political philosophies lie somewhere between Tea Party Conservatism, and the conspiracy-laden land of folks like Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones.  Therefore, as a constitutionalist, I find that often we agree, and often we disagree, but neither of us has any love for the hard left loonies that currently guide the agenda of the Democrat Party.

It was Taco Tuesday.  Ninety-nine cents for delicious beef and chicken mini-tacos.  He ordered eight tacos, and ate every last one of them.  I had a couple, and a bowl of albondigas soup.  The bowl of Mexican meatballs, and succulent vegetables, was steaming before me.  I inhaled a nice long moment, allowing the flavors to gather in my lungs, and let my stomach know that if the soup was as good as it smelled, we were in for one damn good meal.  Reaching for the salt with my left hand, I stirred the soup with my right.  After shaking a half-dozen snowfalls of salt on my soup, I switched the spoon over to my left hand, scooped, and wrapped myself in the cilantro accented goodness.

"What in the hell did you do that for?  You ruined it," chided my buddy.

"Excuse me?"

"The salt," he said.  "It's going to kill you."

"No it's not.  Salt is not bad for you.  It is a myth.  You believe a load of crap."

"Let me explain something to you.  There is good salt, and there is bad salt."

"Nope," I replied.  "There is good salt, and there is good salt.  Of course, as with anything, moderation is your best bet, but salt is not bad for you.  Neither is eggs.  Neither is DDT."

I explained to him that scientists have stumbled upon their errors a number of times.  Recently, it was salt.  Before that, eggs.  Yes, even the yolks are fine.  DDT was the big one.  Not bad for you, or at least not as bad as they said, yet because of some bleeding-heart liberal getting it banned, millions have died from malaria because the mosquitoes the DDT was killing are now swarming in massive numbers.  Of course, now, the liberals are in a fight for their lives against malaria in Africa.

Hey, I have an idea!  Start spraying DDT again!

They would never do that, though.  They don't admit when they are wrong.

"Just because it says what you are saying in the newspapers, it doesn't mean it is true."

I grinned, and said, "Yet you believed it when they told you what you think is true."

That is what happens.  The liberal-left creates a crisis, then they do all they can through government to force everyone to abide by that crisis, or they at least use doom and gloom to convince everyone to abide by the crisis, and then when it is proven wrong, they conveniently forget it was them that claimed such, and then attack the new crisis, which is often caused by the fake crisis they caused before.  Either that, or they will blame republicans for it (sort of like the housing crash they caused with programs like the Community Reinvestment Act - a study by The National Bureau of Economic Research even says so).

Did I lose you there?

Sometimes, the Leftists are even willing to blame a fake crisis as the cause of a real crisis.

Bananas, for example, according to the experts, are in real trouble.  The banana crops of the world are under attack by plagues of disease, bugs, and fungus infections.  Costa Rica, the largest producer, has declared a State of Emergency over the state of its crop.

The real blame?  Global Warming, of course.  The fake myth that human activity has caused the planet to warm, according to these people, is to be blamed.  Oh, wait, it's called Climate Change, now, because it stopped warming, and they can't bring themselves to admit it was a fake crisis created for the sole reason of forwarding the international liberal agenda, so they just changed the name from Global Warming, to Climate Change.

The leftists are even doubling down.  Not only is the myth of "Climate Change" the likely cause for our banana problems, but Costa Rica's director of the agriculture ministry’s State Phytosanitary Services says, "I can tell you with near certainty that climate change is behind these pests."

Near certainty!

How can something that does not exist be at fault for a problem that may be the result of something else - and likely caused by some environmental ban by the leftists, like their ban on DDT, or something?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

We Only Think We Know the Truth About Salt - New York Times

The great egg debate: Are egg yolks good or bad for you health? - Fox News

DDT Ban Breeds Death - The New American

Study Shows Democratic Party Policies Ruined Housing Market; Economy - BlogCritics

Scientists incredibly concerned for fate of banana as plagues and fungus infections spread across world's supplies - The Independent

Study: The Earth was warmer in Roman Medieval times - Daily Caller

Consensus on Climate Change is Fake, Scientists say - Ice Age Now

Fakegate: The Obnoxious Fabrication of Global Warming - Forbes

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