Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Obama Sends Aide To Sign Him Up On D.C. Exchange

by JASmius


In a symbolic step, President Barack Obama has signed up for health insurance through the new exchanges created by his health care overhaul.

Oooooor did he?

The White House says Obama signed up through the Washington, D.C., marketplace over the weekend. Because he signed up in private, without reporters present, it was unclear whether Obama encountered any of the website glitches that millions of other Americans have experienced.

Obama, through a staff member, reportedly elected a lower-cost bronze plan offered through an exchange in the District of Columbia. However, technically, the commander-in-chief already has insurance through the military.

So here we are again asking the same question: Are they even aware that because of their serial, pathetically transparent mendacities about everything to do with and even tangentially related to ObamaCare since....well, July of 2009 when all of this nastiness started, We, The Listeners, have absolutely and utterly no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt on an assertion to which they did not give anybody public access to verify?  And that by claiming that Obama signed up when it was actually a flunkie that did so on his behalf, the claim is false on the surface even if the enrollment attempt was successful?  And how about this statement being released on Christmas eve, when the number of Americans paying attention to it is near or at its nadir?

Here's the better question: Why did the White House bother with this when he already has coverage through the military?  If the idea is to, you know, grab public attention to, you know, actually set an example, why not do something bold like, I don't know, cancel that military coverage and rely solely on an ObamaCare plan?  And pay for it out of his own pocket versus the taxpayer dime?  I mean, sheesh, he is worth over twelve million dollars now, so it's not like he couldn't afford it.

I know leadership doesn't become The One, but wouldn't this be leading in the direction he actually wants Americans to follow?  And what's it say about what he really thinks of the Unaffordable Care-Less Act that he's less enthusiastic about it than Bill Clinton was about signing the Defense of Marriage Act in the middle of the night in a men's room on Air Force One?

Or has O been watching his own ObamaCare ads?

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