Thursday, December 26, 2013

Rove: GOP Will Capture Senate In 2014

by JASmius

Well, yeah, sure they will.  With a dozen Democrats seeking re-election in "red" states with ObamaCare hung around their necks like anchors, and Republicans only needing a six seat pickup to retake the majority, it would be difficult for even the GOP not to attain this objective.

But is it me, or is the Architect thinking a wee bit too small?:

Political strategist Karl Rove congratulated himself on Wednesday for getting 10 predictions right for this year — and he forecast that Republicans will keep control of the House of Representatives and end up with as many as 51 seats in the Senate in next year's congressional elections.
Rove was actually 10-4, though the four flubs were on apolitical predictions.  What I find a little....overcautious is forecasting only a six seat Republican gain in the Senate.  Sure, each contest has its own factors, and as the old saying goes, "Don't get greedy".  But why not get greedy?  It sure as hell worked for the Dems in '06 and '08, and look what it enabled them to do.  And it isn't as if a twelve-seat Senate pickup is unprecedented - the GOP did it in the 1980 Reagan landslide, after all, and look what that enabled the Gipper to do.  Why be, in this sense of the term, "conservative"?  Why not shoot the moon?

For 2014, President Barack Obama's "disapproval rating will end higher than this week's 53%" in the Gallup poll, Rove said in an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal. "Republicans will keep the House with a modest pickup of four to six seats.

Here we go again.  The envelope for 2014 House GOP gains is in the range of twenty five to thirty seats.  We well might not run up the score that much, but why not go for it?  With Obamunism undergoing an existential implosion, when will the Right get another opportunity like this?  And wouldn't it be a lot easier to get a lot more "big things" done with 250-260 Republicans in the House and 55-57 Republicans in the Senate and Democrat survivors being proportionally more shell-shocked and Red Barry being proportionally more discredited?

Ray Kroc, the man that took McDonalds global, had a saying (paraphrased): "If you see your rival drowning in a pond, grab a hose, get in a boat, row out to him, take the hose, shove it down his throat, and turn it on full blast."  Never, in other words, take your boot off your opponent's neck once you have it, and him, there.

And yet.....

"The GOP will most likely end up with 50 or 51 Senate seats (in the former case, keeping Vice President Joe Biden fully occupied for two years presiding over the chamber)," Rove added. "Control of the Senate may not be decided until December's Louisiana runoff.

One of my axioms which drives Tea Partiers nuts is "Politics is the art of the possible."  Thus the irony in an icon of the Republican "establishment" underestimating, to all appearances not having it even occur to him, what may be possible next November.

You can't win big if you don't think big first.

"Propelled by union contributions, Democrats will outspend Republicans overall in House and Senate races."

Exit questions: What will TPers do to counter that?  And will the Regime allow them to do so?

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