Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wastebook: Government Spent $400K On Tea Party Intelligence Study

by JASmius

Not gathering intelligence in this instance, but rather purporting to measure it:

Given what the Regime and its breed ideologically assume about the brain wattage of its dissident opponents/infidels/otherwise all-around enemies of the state, I'm at a bit of a loss as to why they bothered forking over four hundred thousand sawbucks for a study to validate that risible prejudice when they'll just keep MSUing it anyway.  That lends credence to the OSOT (Obama School of  Thought) that holds that Obamunists really, truly, and blindly believe their slurs against the Right with every fiber of their black, oily hearts.  Not just as a matter of (heh) "faith," but as an intrinsic core of their self-identity and self-esteem.  It is, in other words, a profoundly important belief to them.  They need it to be true, desperately, or their entire worldview crumbles.

And then the study produces the opposite result of that belief.  Which tends to support what commissioning this study to begin with also indicates about leftwingnut IQs.

What does that mean?  Why, more studies of course, at higher prices, until the Regime gets the results it wants.

We would understand that, if we were as supremely omniscient as they are.

1 comment:

Dan Kahan said...

only problem is that there was no such study. Wastebook wasn’t fact checked (what do you expect out of a document prepared by a lazy, overpaid federal bureaucrat)