I can't be offended. I think this thing about people being offended about something somebody else says is stupid. I refuse to let anyone have that kind of control over my emotions. It's a political correctness thing, and if we let it continue to fester, it will be one of the tools used to complete the Left's work on silencing their opposition.

because I am offended, but because I wish to reveal what these people really believe, show the hate they spew, and put on display for all to see the absolute stupidity, and hypocrisy, of the so-called "tolerant" members of the progressive, liberal, left, commie-bastard democrats.
Case in point is Comedian Natasha Leggero's disrespectful remarks about the World War II veterans. Her SpagettiOs joke about Pearl Harbor veterans during NBC’s “New Year’s Eve with Carson Daly” was distasteful, and exposed her attitude towards the fine service members that fought bravely in that war.
She's entitled to say what she wants, and I get it, she's a comedian, so she is used to pushing the envelope and making fun of people. In the end her remark did not surprise me. The World War II vets are tougher than nails and could care less what the woman thinks, I am sure. She is free, in this country, to say things like that. My complaint is not about what was said, or who said it, but the underlining elephant in the room that seems to be constantly missed by the leftist media.
By the way, she refused to apologize for her remark, too..
If any non-liberal, especially those considered to be of the conservative persuasion, do or say anything that even one person is offended by, the knives come out, and the daggers fly. An apology is expected immediately, and the attacks never stop. The apology is rejected, considered to be less than genuine, and
only uttered because there was an uproar, and sometimes these situations can even end the career of a media-type, or politician. In fact, what a republican says doesn't even have to be offensive. The leftists can simply consider what was said to be stupid, or uneducated, and end political careers during the ensuing character assassination that follows the comment.
In the case of Sarah Palin, she was skewered for something she didn't even say. It was Tina Fey, doing an impression of Sarah Palin, that said she could see Russia from her house. Yet, that was the final nail in Palin's political coffin for a large segment of America.
Dan Quayle, the Vice President during George H.W. Bush's Presidency, had is political career destroyed over the word "potato." The famous misspelling happened when, during a spelling bee, Quayle altered 12-year old student William Figueroa's correct spelling of "potato" to "potatoe" at the Muñoz Rivera Elementary School in Trenton, New Jersey, on June 15, 1992. The word was spelled in error on the card Mr. Quayle held, and before he realized the spelling on the card was mistaken, and could correct the situation, he had made the blunder, and was forever branded as an idiot by the leftist media. Sometimes, I wonder if the word was misspelled on the card he was given on purpose.
When it comes to most black conservatives, their mistake, it seems to be in the mind of the liberal left, is being black and conservative at the same time. The left's name-calling of these folks never goes noticed, however.
Which brings us back to Leggero, and her quip about World War II veterans. It is a bit of hypocrisy when people like Leggero targets veterans, or Melissa Harris-Perry goes after Romney's black grandchild, and that is just fine from the Left's perspective. Yet, the mere decision by someone to oppose the Leftists politically automatically makes them a target, and sets them up for character assassination the moment they say anything the Leftists can convince people was inappropriate, or less than brilliant - even if it wasn't.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
Comedian 'Not Sorry' for Pearl Harbor Joke on NBC's New Year's Eve Special - Yahoo! TV
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