Monday, January 06, 2014

Gun Control by Executive Action

By Douglas V. Gibbs

First, President Barack Obama tried to get what he wants legislatively.  Then the TEA Party came along, and took the House of Representatives away from the Democrats.  All of the accusations that Congress is broken because the GOP in the House won't be a rubber stamp for Obama has not frightened the conservatives in Congress into playing ball; though I can't say the same for the GOP Establishment.  So, when the democrats realized they couldn't get the House of Representatives to comply with their march toward disarming the American People, Obama decided to bypass Congress, and begin doing things unconstitutionally (piling on to the already unconstitutional doings prior) by issuing legislative executive orders.  Meanwhile, as the folks that dare to oppose the Democrat Party began to use the courts, the U.S. Senate eliminated the filibuster rule through what they call the "Nuclear Option," so that they could begin stacking the courts, appointing judges rapidly with nominations approved by a simple majority.  That way, their judges could strike down any attempts to check the Executive Branch's consolidation of power.

Barack Obama has become so comfortable acting like a dictator, that now he doesn't even bother with the Executive Orders.  Now, he is using Executive Actions, which is another way of saying, "Obama spake it into reality, and made it so."

Obama's latest promise of executive action attacks against our freedoms as Americans is to dig deeper into his goal to disarm Americans.  Knowing that gun control is dead in Congress, the Obama administration announced last Friday that he is launching two new executive decrees. . . ur, uh, I mean "actions," aimed at strengthening the federal background check system regarding firearm purchases.

I remember during the first term of Barack Obama, every time I wrote that Gun Control was one of Barry's goals (especially when I wrote about the Fast and Furious gunrunner scandal) a neurotic liberal troll that frequented my site accused me of making things up.  "The President has never talked about gun control," he used to write.

Funny.  That liberal left gay loony doesn't come by here, anymore.

The two gun control "actions" being proposed will be through executive departments.  The first will be acted upon by the Department of Justice, designed to clarify who would be unable to possess a firearm for specific situations related to mental health, such as a commitment to a mental institution.  The mental health angle is a dangerous one.  Not only are all federal gun laws unconstitutional in the first place, but when you have a government defining who can own guns based on "their" definition of mental health, it won't be long before the mental health definition includes anybody who dares to oppose the regime in power.

The second proposed executive action will be enacted through the Department of Health and Human Services, providing medical organizations some additional wiggle room to report "limited information necessary to help keep guns out of potentially dangerous hands" to the federal background check system.

In other words, to further the ability of doctors, without question and without due process, to incriminate gun owners by deciding that in their opinion the patient is potentially dangerous.

Once again, the definitions will surely include any opposition to the Left.

Next, we should be expecting executive actions calling for neighbors to turn in neighbors, and for children to turn in their parents.

I wonder if the arm bands are in production, yet?

In its statement, the White House added a desire, and a plea, really, to Congress to pass a measure expanding background checks to more gun purchases.  In reality, it wasn't a plea to Congress as much as it was an instruction to the regulatory agencies to begin regulating in such a way, regardless of congressional consent.

I am sure the executive actions won't stop there, either.  Obama is convinced his stance on this issue is a winner.  Besides, it also is yet another way to keep you distracted from the failures of Obamacare, or the scandals that continue to pile up around him.

The Democrats are saddened that gun control is a dead issue in Congress.  They have voiced that it will take another mass shooting to get the country all riled up and accepting of gun control.

In other words, they need another good crisis to do things that normally they could not, and they are perfectly fine with the deaths of children if it advances their agenda.

Note: All Mass Shootings in the news during Obama's Presidency have been committed in liberal "Gun Free Zones."  Areas where a large number of citizens are armed have not fallen victim to any mass shootings.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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