Saturday, January 18, 2014

Jeanine Pirro: Justice For Benghazi, Blasts Hillary Clinton

by JASmius

If Benghazi was preventable, should it derail a 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential run?

Well, sure, it should.  But you can't derail what never leaves the station.  Several factors already rule out a successful 2016 presidential run for the Empress:

1) Age.  She'll be 69 years old in 2016.  Only one POTUS has ever been first elected at that age: Ronald Reagan.  Hillary Clinton isn't even in the same genome as the Gipper.  Plus, the plain, simple, brutal fact is that, especially in the television age, men carry age better than women do.  And Commissar Upside-Down Legs hasn't been carrying hers as well as most women the past few years.

2) Dynasticism.  The Democrats don't do it.  They tried with the Kennedys, and even then they couldn't do it.  It's the GOP that almost always nominates "the next in line," the candidate whose "turn" it is.  Democrats, at least when they win, pick the young, charismatic outsider.  You know the 16 year cycle: JFK in 1960, Jimmy Carter in 1976, Bill Clinton in 1992, Barack Obama in 2008.  The next "Non-White Knight" will be current San Antonio Mayor and near-future Texas Governor (post-Amnesty, natch) Julian Castro (featured prominently at last year's Donk Convention, you'll recall) in 2024.  Hillary Clinton will be a long-gone saggy historical footnote.

3) Expiration Date.  Secretary Saddlebags is past her Rauch limit whether measured from her original emergence on the national stage 1992 or her ascension to elected office in her own right in 2000.  She's no longer nationally viable, no matter how much the Obamedia tries to shill otherwise.

4) She's a loser.  Hillary's best chance to capture the White House was against President Bush in 2004.  By opting to, she thought, have it handed to her on a silver platter in 2008, she waited too long, and Barack Obama beat her and La Clinton Nostra at their own game.  Why would she be given another shot at the Dem nomination?  Why should she?

When all of the above is figured into the equation, Benghazi is but the cherry atop the sundae.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

La Clinton Nostra… LMFAO!!!

The way you put that was hilarious!!!

And about Benghazi:

Benghazi is 1st time a POTUS told to "Release the witness/survivors" That is very creepy but because it's a POTUS we're talking about, it's far more creepy than normal…

This is something that every single one of us Americans needs to be complaining about and not just a few times, but enough to create unrelenting public pressure on the Reps, especially Boehner...