Saturday, January 18, 2014

Constitution Radio: Whose Constitution Is It Anyway?

Listen live to Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs today at 2:00 pm Pacific on KCAA 1050AM, or Online at (or by phone at 832-999-1050). You can call in to join the conversation at 888-909-1050. If you miss the live show, you can catch the archived podcast on our podcast page.

Today's guest is G.R. Mobley, author of We The People, Whose Constitution Is It Anyway?

Today's Constitution Quest Question of the Week addresses the ratification of the Constitution.

Then, we will embark on the 5 Big Stories of the Week:

5 Big Stories of the Week, January 18, 2014

5.  Mark Levin: Boycott State of the Union

4.  IRS not Guilty of TEA Party Targeting

3.  Chris Christie, Bridgegate, and the run for the Presidency  (New York Times: Despite Christie's Contrite Apology)

This is the culture of leftism.  After all:

2.  “Benghazi Attack was Preventable”

1.  Barack Obama: I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone

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