Monday, January 06, 2014

Supreme Court Puts Sodomarriages On Hold In Utah

by JASmius

Wait, what's this?  Is the sodomarriage freight train starting to careen off the tracks?

Well, potentially - in arguably THE "reddest" state in the country:

The U.S. Supreme Court has put same-sex marriages on hold in Utah while a federal appeals court more fully considers the issue. 

The court issued a brief order Monday blocking any new same-sex unions in the state, reported the Associated Press

The order follows an emergency appeal by the state following the December 20th ruling by U.S. District Judge Robert Shelby that the state's ban on same-sex marriage violates gay and lesbian couples' constitutional rights.... 

The high court order will remain in effect until the Denver-based 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decides whether to uphold Shelby's ruling.

Okay, let's get this out of the way: Marriage is not a federal issue because it is not mentioned in the United States Constitution (unless and until a federal marriage Amendment can ever be passed and ratified), and it is, therefore, a state issue, as implicitly set fourth in Amendment X.  So no federal court at any level has any business deciding the constitutionality of the debasement of the divinely ordained institution of marriage by the Lavender Lobby.

That being said, we are decades away from that scenario being anything more than a pleasant conservative daydream - and I mean decades in the past, as it'll be centuries, or more likely never, that the Tenth Amendment will again be relevant.  So what to make of this time-out for homosexual "fiance/es'?  Not much.  It's a stay until the Tenth Circuit reviews Judge Shelby's misruling.  And it's a fool's errand for a constitutionalist in the brave new world of Obamunist court-packing to predict how any court will rule anymore on anything, but only because we want to retain some bare measure of hope in a hopeless pagan wasteland.  Which again serves to illustrate how John Marshall's "judicial review" usurpation in Marbury v. Madison ultimately disempowered Us, The People, and how insanely difficult it'll be for us to roll all of this cosmic mess back within the bounds of the Constitution whose shredded remains are even now whipping away on O's federally-subsidized, windmill-driven four winds.

If it's of any interest, this was Justice Sotomayor's second eye-opening stay kneecapping a left-wing position in as many weeks.  Pity it's so difficult to make oneself believe that she'll vote that way if the appeals reach Olympus.

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