Monday, May 12, 2014

Defense Commissar Hagel: Transgender Military "Under Review"

by JASmius

You know how I keep saying that the cultural rot and decay being perpetrated by the Obama Regime in general, and against the U.S. military (or what's left of it) in particular feels like it's accelerating logarithmically?  It just went up another warp factor:

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said in an interview over the weekend that the ban on transgender service members in the military "should be reviewed."

Pardon me, Mr. Commissar, but I don't suppose it'd be too much to ask what in the blue hell for, would it?

The comment was prompted by a question from ABC News' Martha Raddatz on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," who alluded to the findings of an independent commission in March led by former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders....

"Independent"?  Joycelyn Elders?  Ms. "My ding-a-ling" herself?  The "surgeon general" who made Dr. Ruth Westheimer look and sound like Mother Teresa?  That Joycelyn Elders?  The SecDef is making military personnel policy decisions based not on any military criteria but on the twisted, demented counsel of a perverted quack who would give an entirely new meaning to the phrase "around the world"?  Except, in this case, the new "recruits" would be completely ill-equipped for it, and too hopelessly confused if they weren't?

Yes, he is:

The commission found "no compelling medical reason" to maintain the ban.

Well, that's certainly debatable.  But what's the military reason for it?

"I do think it continually should be reviewed," said Hagel of the ban. "I'm open to those assessments, because, again, I go back to the bottom line, every qualified American who wants to serve our country should have an opportunity if they fit the qualifications and can do it."

There is no right to serve in the military, dammit.  It is a privilege and an honor, not a bleeping entitlement.  The military has a very specific mission: being better and stronger than any other military.  Or, if you prefer Rush Limbaugh's version, to be the best at "killing people and breaking things," so that other countries' militaries won't be tempted and motivated to kill our people and break our things.  Period.  That's it.  End of story.

What happens when that ceases being the sole focus and priority of hacks like Chuck Hagel?  The U.S. military ceases to be the best and the strongest.  The Obama Regime is already decimating the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, even the Marines with hardware and personnel budget cuts.  Now they would turn what was left into a Rue Paul drag review that would drive out a great many of the real soldiers, airmen, sailors, and Marines that have stuck it out this long.  And when the day of reckoning arrives, what would the "Commander-in-Chief" do?  Call Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping "homophobes"?

This crap is of a nugget with Saturday's Michael Sam gay cakefest over the weekend, about which my comments took up nearly the entire first hour of the podcast today.  Just as it is a certainty that there have been homosexual players in the NFL long before Michael Sam came along, there have undoubtedly been homosexual soldiers not just in America's, but every country's armed forces down through history.  The difference is, up to now, homosexual players, and recruits, kept it to themselves.  It's axiomatic: If sexual "orientation" is truly irrelevant to one's ability to be a pro football player, or a trained, elite soldier, airman, sailor, or Marine, or any other profession, then it does not need to be flaunted.  Which is to say, shoved in everybody else's faces and down everybody else's throats.  If Michael Sam wants to make it in the NFL, let him do it on his physical skills, not his cake-mashing.  And if military recruits genuinely want to serve their country, let them leave the pole-smoking for furloughs and three-day passes.  Basically, let's reinstate don't ask/don't tell.

That's at least a theoretical option when it comes to homosexuals, because sexual orientation is a choice, no matter what Joycelyn Elders believes, and it can be kept in the "closet" where it belongs.  But transgenders?  How?  They're the next step beyond Michael Sam tonsilectomizing his boy-toy on national television.  They're what Jerry "The King" Lawler always used to say about Mick Foley - mutilated freaks, who in this case "acted" on their mentally diseased self-image to make it impossible to keep it private.  You think that won't cause distractions and unit cohesion problems?  You think maybe that was the reason for the ban on transgender recruits in the first place?  Because not only was there no military reason to lift it, but highly persuasive military reasons to keep it in place?

The services are supposed to be a separate and distinct culture apart from the greater civilian population precisely because of its singular mission.  Not because the military is "prejudiced" or "bigoted" or "homophobic," but because the military cannot be "socialized" and "equalized" and "homofied" and "freakified" and still retain that singular focus, much less the ability to carry out its mission.  That the Obama Regime is doing precisely that is in perfect harmony with its catastrophic and terrifying budget cuts to all services.  The only reasonable conclusion one can draw is that Barack Obama wants America to be undefended, with nothing but his putter and teleprompter between us and conquest or worse.

On the bright side, it'll sure give Russian or ChiComm or Iranian military pathologists a lot of laughs.


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