Monday, June 16, 2014

Why Benghazi Matters

by JASmius

In his latest hard-hitting Firewall, Bill Whittle provides a moment-by-moment breakdown of all the events leading up to the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, a detailed analysis of who was doing and saying what as the attack was underway, and chronicles the following ten days of deceptions and lies on the part of the White House and the State Commissariat, throwing a clear, cold, and unflattering light on the competence and character of the dictator and Commissar of State.

You know why else Benghazi matters?  Because it's about to be superceded by a much bigger sequel that will not happen in secret this time because everybody sees it coming and it will take place before the entire world.

And after it does, Barack Obama will treat it exactly the same way he treated Benghazi: like it never happened and we're all "racists" for even bringing it up.

The question is, will the American people also reprise their shoulder-shrugging and, sheeple-like, follow suit?

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