If only we had any assurance, even the slightest bit of confidence, that they were going to go home afterwards:
The government watchdog group Judicial Watch alleged Friday the Obama administration is formulating plans to admit Ebola-infected non-U.S. citizens into the United States for treatment.
In effective violation of Article IV, Section IV of the United States Constitution.
The group, which cited one unidentified source, said the administration would aim to bring Ebola patients into the United States for treatment within the first days of diagnosis, and that it’s not clear who’d pay either for the transportation or treatment.
Of course it's clear - We, The People would. And not just in terms of money. But what about which ones, from where, and how many? Half a million dollars was spent on treating Thomas Eric Duncan; the last major epidemic to strike the United States was the 1918 Spanish influenza outbreak, in which twenty million Americans perished. That, of course, doesn't figure in those who contracted the catastrophic illness and survived, but just in terms of its deaths, consult your multiplication tables: treating that many U.S. ebola cases today would generate a price tag of somewhere in the neighborhood of $10 trillion. Approximately two-thirds of current annual gross domestic product, or two and a half times the annual federal budget.
And you wonder why Wayne Allen Root was talking about our economy being reduced to "ashes"?
This, of course, is a worst-case scenario. Let's say there are only a million cases; now we're all the way down to $500 billion. Feeling reassured yet? Hell, Janet Yellen can spew out that much fiat wastepaper in her sleep.
Does it seem to you that Barack Obama believes he can fine-tune the number of ebola cases inflicted on Americans so that he can further enhance his power beyond the despotic level's it's already reached without the contagion getting completely out of control and combusting his "fundamental transformation" mission? Or is the latter the whole point and he believes that somehow none of it would touch his Regime?
Or maybe it's just another amnesty on-ramp:
The group alleged the plan for treatment includes special waivers of laws and regulations that ban the admission of non-citizens with a communicable disease; Judicial Watch cited its source saying the administration has not told Congress about the plan.
“The source is concerned that the proposal is illegal; endangers the public health and welfare; and should require the approval of Congress,” Judicial Watch stated. [emphasis added]
Well, c'mon, guys, it wouldn't be an Obama Regime initiative if it wasn't flagrantly illegal.
But don't worry, folks. And don't trust logic, facts, history, or common sense. Trust in The One. He knows best, because he's a "god," remember?
Evidently, some have forgotten:
Conservative commentator Michael Reagan tells Newsmax that he doesn't understand why President Barack Obama has picked a political appointee to serve as the Ebola czar and not a doctor.
Obama named Democratic operative Ron Klain Friday to oversee the response by the government to the Ebola outbreak. Klain previously served as chief of staff to both Vice Presidents Joe Biden and Al Gore.
"Why do we have a political appointment here? Why not put a doctor?" Reagan asked John Bachman and Olga Villaverde on "America's Forum" on Newsmax TV Friday. "If you're going to have an Ebola czar, why not put somebody in charge that really understands what is going on with Ebola?"
"What happened with the surgeon general of the United States of America? Where is the surgeon general at this point? Do we have one? I don't know because I haven't heard anything from the surgeon general, which is the top doctor in the United States of America," he said.
You know why Barack Obama didn't appoint Rear Admiral Boris D....
....Lushniak, or HHS Commissar Sylvia Burwell, or HHS Assistant Commissar For Emergency Preparedness and Response Nicole Lurie, Michael; he chose Ron Klain for Ebola Czar because he doesn't want to prevent an ebola epidemic, but does want to exploit it politically to further enhance his already-despotic power. Haven't you been paying attention the past six years?
Meanwhile, further down the epidemiological tract, calls are arising for Centers For Disease Control Director Tom "[BLEEPING] Dumbass" Frieden to tender his resignation. And one is coming from a man who has trodden that path and knows it all too well:
President George W. Bush's point man for natural disaster preparedness, who was vilified for his handling of Hurricane Katrina, told Newsmax TV on Friday that the agency chief responsible for the Obama administration's fumbling first response to the Ebola virus ought to do as he did, and resign.
"Having been through that same kind of grilling, there's a point where you leave, where you lose public confidence," Michael Brown, former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), told "MidPoint" host Ed Berliner in remarks about Tom Frieden, embattled head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Brown, a Denver radio talk show host, said that a gracious and voluntary exit is "the best thing" Frieden "could do for the president," especially since President Obama has named an "Ebola czar" — longtime Democratic political operative Ron Klain — to oversee the federal response to the disease landing in the United States.
"The [CDC] director ought to say at this point, 'You know what? Let me step aside because right now I'm a distraction.'"
No, no, no, Michael, you still don't get it. Public confidence is irrelevant to this White House. Tom Frieden is not a "distraction" from what O is doing, he's part of it. He's saying precisely what POTUS wants him to say. As a matter of fact, "distraction" is the whole point. Why do you think he's flouting the law to deliberately import more ebola-infested illegals?
It's all about The Narrative, about The Plan, about Cloward-Piven, about "fundamental transformation". But rather than liquidate twenty-five million Americans by herding them into the U.S. Southwest and going all ISIS on their capitalist asses, Red Barry will let the ebola virus do that work for him.
Or maybe he'll just settle for twenty million, like the Spanish flu did. No sense in biting off more than a "god" can chew, after all.
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