I guess Scheherazade has taken note of the flowering of the African-American Spring, and is determined to de-flower it:
During an interview with a TV network whose target audience is African-American adults, first lady Michelle Obama said the black community should vote for Democrats.
"That's my message to voters. This isn't about Barack, it's not about the person on the ballot, it's about you," Obama told "NewsOne Now" host Roland Martin on TV One. "And for most of the people that we're talking to, a Democratic ticket is the clear ticket that we should be voting on, regardless of who said what or did this. That shouldn't even come into the equation."
Stop the tape. That is an absolutely fascinating, quote, isn't it? And for a number of distinct reasons.
1) The First Black President is actually having to appeal to black Americans to stay on the plantation and support his party. For what other reason would Moochelle have been appearing on a television program aimed at black viewers? This, logically, means that they are scared to death that black voters aren't going to turn out in the droves Democrats need to avoid an electoral catastrophe today that even their national voter fraud machine might not be able to complete avert. Or, even more horrifying, they might be starting to....think for themselves. And that might lead to some of them deciding to....vote Republican.
2) Even in the attempt to appeal to black voters to stay on the plantation and vote Democrat, FLOTUS is incapable of not being arrogant and condescending. "This isn't about Barack, it's not about the person on the ballot, it's about you," translates to, "What the [BLEEP] is wrong with you n[BLEEP]s? Y'all turnin' cracker or somethin'? After all we've done
"And for most of the people we're talking to" - i.e. black Americans - "a Democratic ticket is the clear ticket that we should be voting on, regardless of who said what or did this. That shouldn't even come into the equation." Why, Mrs. Obama? It seems to me that you either don't want to have a genuine conversation about why African-Americans should continue mindlessly backing a Democrat Party that has been oppressing them and their ancestors in one manner or another for over two centuries, or you aren't able to engage in that "dialogue" because you don't have a persuasive reason to give them. Or any reason besides "or else."
This is what happens when a party takes a constituency completely and imperiously for granted for decades. Not only do they forget why they ever supported you in the first place, not only do you forget why they supported you in the first place, but you don't think you should have to give them a reason. Just "get your asses back in line, or you'll be gettin' a whuppin'!!!" Something tells me this appeal to black voters is going to be something less than completely effective.
Meanwhile, guess who else has wandered off the plantation?:

Vice President Joe Biden says he thinks Democrats will retain control of the Senate after Tuesday's midterms, but he acknowledged to CNN on Monday that if he's wrong, the White House will be willing to compromise with a GOP-controlled Congress.
"We have to be more direct and clear about exactly what it is we're looking to do," Biden said in an interview with CNN's Gloria Borger that was aired on "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer."
"Look, we're — we're ready to compromise," Biden said.
Ooopsie. That can't have gone over too well in the Oval Office, since The One will be taking his tyranny into maximum overdrive after today. Talk about mixed messaging, Michelle talking down to black voters on the one hand while Slow Joe is freelancing peace missions to the enemy on the other. All the White House can hope now is that Biden's listeners (and he was on CNN, so it's not like very many people heard him) will "consider the source".
And, God love him, V.P. Rogaine didn't disappoint:
In the same interview, Biden quickly caught himself after saying Russia had "invaded" Ukraine earlier this year. He changed the wording to "crossed the border" to match the Obama administration's diplomatic efforts with Russia.
Because of course, there's such an enormous difference between Russian troops "invading" Ukraine and Russian troops unauthorizedly "crossing the border" into Ukraine.
"What am I talkin' about? Stand up for Chuck! Stand up for Chuck!" It is, after all, the only reason they keep him around.
UPDATE: Every Democrat voter needs a little KFC?
Be careful what you permit, Scheherazade....
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