Or, in other words, leaks the Obama Regime didn't want made because it made them look bad, as opposed to the classified information they leak all the time when it makes them look good. You could also call it, "post-election loose-end tying":
The Justice Department investigation stems from an affair Mr. Petraeus had with Paula Broadwell, an Army Reserve officer who was writing his biography, and focuses on whether he gave her access to his C.I.A. email account and other highly classified information.
F.B.I. agents discovered classified documents on her computer after Mr. Petraeus resigned from the C.I.A. in 2012 when the affair became public.
Mr. Petraeus, a retired four-star general who served as commander of American forces in both Iraq and Afghanistan, has said he never provided classified information to Ms. Broadwell, and has indicated to the Justice Department that he has no interest in a plea deal that would spare him an embarrassing trial. A lawyer for Mr. Petraeus, Robert B. Barnett, said Friday he had no comment.
The officials who said that charges had been recommended were briefed on the investigation but asked for anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it.
Remember during the Clinton years when their rallying cry was, "It's just sex!" and they insisted that what a (leftwing Democrat) leader does in his/her personal life has NO IMPACT, ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY NO IMPACT upon his/her "day job"? Good times, good times. Isn't it a blessing that Sick Willie was the last Democrat leader to not be gender-ambiguous? That's one headache we've been spared, anyway.
General/Director Petraeus was, of course, not a leftwing Democrat leader, but career military and a victorious theater commander whose credibility and prestige in and from that function as the man who saved Iraq (so that Barack Obama could gift it to the mullahs and ISIS) with "the Surge" despite then-Senators like Barack Obama insisting it wouldn't work was attractive to bring into a Regime to run areas the Left detests with every collectiv(ist) fiber of their beings - like the Central Intelligence Agency.
Obviously, anybody in Petraeus's position had to be in constant Elmer Fudd mode - "Be vewy, vewy quiet" - as well as careful, to avoid anything that could possibly, remotely, conceivably be construed or twisted into being portrayed as a scandal, because you never know when your usefulness to The One might come to an end.
Well, no, actually, it was entirely knowable when Director Petraeus's value to the White House would expire: after Red Barry was safely re-elected and no longer needed anybody serious and credible in a high-profile national security position (which explains why Chuck Hagel was brought in as SecDef, but I digress). It just so happened that the ex-general had a "wick-dipping" weakness that nobody had heretofore known about, and for any public, even quasi-political figure who is even perceived as being right-of-center - which will always include any gent with stars on his shoulders - sex, naturally, DOES matter. So out (heh) "leaked" his affair with Paula Broadwell (Is that really the woman's name? Sounds like the handle of a porn "actress"), and Petraeus's directorship was instant history.
Which leaves the question: Everybody already knows about this peccadillo on the general's personal resume; he'll never hold any high-ranking public or military role ever again. He's not a politician. Or, in short, he's no threat in any way, shape, or form, to Barack Obama or the Democrat Party. So why, two years later, go after him with criminal charges over a matter about which in almost any other context the Regime wouldn't give two leaves off the proverbial fig tree? Only reason I can conclude is that O's Iraq "policy" has become a total disaster so public, despite the Obamedia's best efforts, that even LIVs and NIVs beheadedly understand it, even if they still don't have the stomach to support doing anything about it; and more to the point, the Obama Regime is being inexorably dragged right back down the same road as its hated Bushian predecessor. And guess who would be an awfully inconvenient public commentator on the Mesopotamian situation with oodles and oodles of gravitas to do so, and maybe whose name might even be bandied about to play an important role in trying to salvage President "Ended The War's" (hyuk) betrayal of the Iraqi government and people? And now that Donk control of any part of Congress has completely vanished, and he'll never face a voter again, other than make him/her shine his putter for him, he no longer has to care about the awkward PR of a White House vengefully and aggressively trying to make a de facto political prisoner of a still-respected and victorious general, even if he couldn't keep it in his pants.
Given that Petraeus refused a plea bargain, and is challenging the Regime to do its worst, I have to think that there isn't anything to the charges coming against him, or at least not enough to obtain a conviction on any or them. Maybe that's arrogance on the general's part, but more likely its a greater measure of naivete, as it's not difficult to predict that a bunch that is so corrupt and considers itself so above the law that its frontman will openly rule the country as a tyrant and despot will not have any compunction or hesitation about making things up, breaking any law, or otherwise doing whatever it takes to make sure David Petraeus is shoved into the Greybar Hotel like it was a "roach motel".
Justice most certainly will not be done. But another potential propaganda loose end will have been tied off. And that will give his majesty who knows how many additional rounds of golf. A (leftwing Democrat) leader needs to eliminate as many distractions as possible in order to do his day job, after all.
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