This is either child abuse, or else the fruit really doesn't fall far from the tree:
Today she’s wearing a T-shirt supporting an anti-white gangster rap group.
With the usual n-word this and n-word that and f-bombs and b-words and c-words as well as violence, gun play, and cop killing celebratory lyrics.
Parenthetically, no non-black person (i.e. anybody whose life doesn't matter) would ever dare think the n-word much less say it, but that's because few non-black people have any desire to think or say it. So why do so many black people indulge in saying it about themselves and to and about each other like swine wallowing in a bog? It can't be a "badge of honor," because anti-white, cop-killing gangsta rap groups don't have any honor.
Tomorrow she’ll be attending Socialist meetings at Columbia College. And, before you know it she’ll be dining with Al Sharpton.
I wasn't kidding about child abuse in the lede. Worldview isn't genetic. The O's are steering their daughters down the same despicable, wicked path that The One's parents and grandparents and Frank Marshall Davis, et al programmed into him.
On Monday a grainy photo of a 16-year-old wearing a hip-hop group’s tour T-shirt was posted on said group’s official Instagram account.
One of the members of the collective, which consists of rappers, producers, and non-musical members, such as photographers and publicists, told Gawker that Mr. Bada$$ had allegedly been sent the snapshot by “a mutual friend of Malia’s and the pro era member.”
The lead “singer” for Pro Era was just arrested for jacking a security guard.
Take note not only of the Pro Era t-shirt, but the noticeably provocative pose Malia is striking in that pic. It looks like a snapshot from a Girls Gone Wild video about five seconds before the gal flips up her shirt to flash her boobies. This is the depth of dreck permitted by her father, the same man who got re-elected on the "War on Women" meme and staunchly stands by the feminist "Rape Culture" myth.
Well, I guess Lena Dunham won't be around forever. And she is white. And Malia does have to be groomed for the eventual royal succession. Who says his infernal majesty doesn't plan ahead?
Exit question: Remember when the Bush girls created that media furor just by having a few fermented beverages? Good times, good times.
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