Friday, February 20, 2015

CNN: ISIS Lures Women With Nutella & Kittens

by JASmius

Really?  A CNNer actually said this?  Isn't that an awfully sexist thing to blurt on the air?  Western women can't be motivated by hatred of Christians and Jews and medievalism and savagery and genocide and global conquest and learning the degree of limberness necessary to have a threesome inside a burqa (Hey, why do you think Major Nelson kept Jeannie around for all those years?)?  Sheesh, why did they leave out Greek yogurt and jazzercise while they were at it?

But it gets worse, because the CNNer who spat out the misogynistic gaffe like a brick-shaped turd was a woman who seems to be making an ongoing audition for a transfer to MSNBCCCP:

The Islamic State (ISIS) is using Nutella and kittens to convince Western women to join its movement, according to a report.

CNN's Carol Costello made the claim Wednesday morning during a segment.

"The recruitment of young women to its ranks has become increasingly important to [ISIS], and among the most highly sought-after targets: Western women," Costello said, TVNewser reports.

"While many have reported an unprecedented flow of jihadists joining the Islamic State from around the world, eager to bring about apocalypse, it seems Western women need a little extra encouragement.

"How do you relay your message of jihad in a way Westerners understand? ISIS is talking online about jars of Nutella, pictures of kittens and emojis. They want people to believe their life on the battlefield isn't so different than yours. They actually eat Nutella, and I guess they have pet kittens."

Uh, Carol, I think you have that last sentence backwards....

....and I think you might have left out what used to be known as the Sick Willie shimmie, which has now been renamed the "Full Biden".

Is he wearing pants in this scene?  I can't tell.  Although if not, that would give a whole other connotation to the nickname "Slow Joe".

But seriously, if Western woman are lining up to be forcibly groped and fondled by dhimmist Democrat leches, wouldn't they kill to get to the Islamic State to be forcibly gang-raped on an hourly basis?  Which, BTW, explains what the Nutella is really used for.  ISIS is so sensitive to the comfort of its female captives, aren't they?

Miss Costello's guest, however, took just a wee bit different take on why she thinks women are joining the terror group.  Which is to say, she didn't start hosing the CNN bimbo down with black and white paint:

"I think the thing to recognize is that women are not fighting for women's rights.

Almost sounds like Western feminists, doesn't it?  Except that Western feminists are fighting for lesbian rights and to keep mass-murdering unborn children.  So they're only batting .500 with the jihadists.

The fight for ISIS is a fight for something else — it is the idea of a caliphate," gender and violence expert Nimmi Gowrinathan said, according to the Washington Post.

And "Caliphates are hard".  Right, Carol?

"It is a political fight, which goes a bit deeper than social media. That is what women are attracted to, because they feel safer, because they feel their identity is threatened."

As women or as feminists?  Because I can't see either one being reinforced or nurtured in the Middle East.  Now if their identities are as blowup dolls, then they're on to something.

All snark aside, there is a deadly serious aspect to Carol (Abbott?) Costello's idiocy, it seems to me: The attempt on the part of the Obamedia to "humanize" jihadists.  To try and paint a picture of Islamic Fundies being "just like you and me."  To "normalize" them, soften them, and distract the public from what they really are, what they're really doing, and what they're intent on doing to us.

Hey, did Supreme Leader not decree that Americans - including Western women - have an "obligation" to "stand hands-on-tits shoulder-to-shoulder" with Muslims and "defend [their] faith"?  It didn't sound like a suggestion to me.

Don't forget the Nutella, folks.  We're gonna need it.

Really.  It's also a great salve for radiation burns.

UPDATE: I don't suppose this was part of ISIS female recruitment drive, was it?

Gee, why [do] people think there's a problem with them?  Another cruel example of what their hate culture is about, just like #Charly Hebdo, #Trojan Horse Project in the UK #Elin Krantz, #Lee Rigby, #the 1400 raped underage girls from Rotherham, or the thousands more they have raped all over Europe, converting Sweden for example into THE WORLD CAPITOL OF RAPES.

Islam is poison

Denmark: Muslims surround and beat 23-[year-old] girl & DOG, leav[ing them] for dead in [a] lake. A crowd of moderate Qu'ran obeying Muslims punched, kicked and stoned young beautiful Danish woman Sara Illum Lund-Jensen, and after beating her dog also, threw them both into the lake to drown. Mohammad said dogs were demonic, ordered them killed, except for hunting. In Islam, raping non-Muslim girls is permissible. Mohammad did it often.

Maybe this explains why they allegedly like cats?

Jesus said COWARDS DO NOT ENTER HEAVEN. But my COWARDLY "Christian" friends refuse to give Jesus any credit for good or Islam any condemnation for murder.

But some of my friends, with families and PLENTY TO LOSE, have begun to STAND UP and HONOR those who died for our FREEDOMS, that we might not be overtaken by evil in any form, whether the liberal, LGBT or Islamic mafias.

Thank GOD for the few brave men and women. But the cowards disgust me. Someone hold me back!!!!! I understand why Jesus will have His day of revenge. It's all over the Old and New Testaments. Just read Revelation.

This happened in a area called Vollsmose, an area heavily populated with Muslims and immigrants from middle-eastern countries in Denmark, and the guys behind this murder attempt were Somali Muslims.

The 23- year-old woman says she was out walking her five year old dog by a lake near Granparken when four Muslims looked mad at the dog and owner.

First the Muslims asked questions about the dog's [breed] and age, but suddenly it changed to anger.

"One began to kick my dog , which made me really mad. Then one of them threw a stone at us, which [hit] my dog, says Sara Illum Lund-Jensen.

She says that she tried to protect her dog against the aggressive boys. This brought her in[to] the firing line.

"They knocked me to the ground and started kicking me and roll[ing] me into the lake. I was lying there along with my dog, while they threw several stones at us.

Soaked and shaken

The four teens left the place, and then a elderly woman helped her out of the water.

"We were both soaked and deeply shaken says Sara Illum Lund-Jensen."

The moral of the story? The animal wasn't the dog.

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