Thursday, February 19, 2015

DOJ Preparing To File "Racism" Lawsuit Against Ferguson Police

by JASmius

Eric "The Red" didn't try to destroy now ex-Officer Darren Wilson - which should tell us all we need to know about how utterly and despicably baseless the entire "#Hands Up/Don't Shoot / #BlackLivesMatter" riotfest was - but he is going to flip one last middle finger at Mr. Wilson's former employer as he struts out the DOJ door:

Attorney General Eric Holder said this week he expects to announce the results of the department’s investigation of the shooting death of Michael Brown and a broader probe of the Ferguson Police Department before he leaves office in the coming weeks.

Well, we know what the Ferguson grand jury found: that Officer Wilson was acting in self-defense against the "unarmed black youth" that was trying to kill him with his own sidearm.  And we know that even Holder's Commissariat of Injustice, Revenge & Coverup couldn't fabricate a "civil rights" prosecution of Officer Wilson for the very same reason.  So the emphasized passage above is the best they're going to be able to do, because they've got to have SOMETHING to show for their efforts, and to advance their almighty "America is irredeemably racist" Narrative.

Brown’s shooting death at the hands of Officer Darren Wilson has thrust Ferguson into the center of a nationwide debate over police tactics and race relations. The Justice Department is expected to announce it won’t charge Wilson for the shooting, but it’s also expected to outline findings that allege a pattern of discriminatory tactics used by the Ferguson police.

A pattern without any evidence, unlike the pattern of black racist lawlessness encouraged, aided, and abetted by the Obama Regime.

If they don’t agree to review and revise those tactics, sources say, the Justice Department would sue to force changes in the department.

Federalize it, in other words, to work not for the local citizenry, but for the Black Klan insurrectionists that burned their community to the ground.

Asked to comment, Ferguson police Chief Thomas Jackson told CNN’s Sara Sidner, “I have received nothing new.

“Everything they suggested in the past has been reasonable and we have tried to comply.”

But that's not enough for the most racist, extremist reichsfuhrer in American history.  He and his ruler must have scalps for their failed attempt to gin up a coast-to-coast race war.  Reality must be conformed to their insane Narrative.  Thus, a scapegoat must be found, as justification and as a means of continuing the advancement of their kindred, nightmare Agenda.

The Obamidency has reached the point every hard-left Regime does, where it is inconcealable and unspinnable that their ideology does not work, and the public does not want it or them any longer.  And thus, as the moral supremacists and revolutionaries they are, rising coercion must be employed to force on that public what its "betters" believe is in its "best interests".  For its "own good," of course.

And the "official" designation of pariahs is the tried & true method of that implementation.

So [BLEEP] you, Chief Jackson.  You and your department are "officially" all racists, and you will be severely punished, regardless of the facts.

"Social justice" demands it.

Really.  It's inscribed on Uncle Eric's gold watch.

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