Thursday, February 19, 2015

Liberal Left Building Anti-Walker Narrative begins with Education and Reagan

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Progressives always attack what they fear most.  When Sarah Palin burst on the scene, their attacks were swift, and effective, and now her political career is probably delayed, if not ruined, because even many Republican voters, after the years of attacks against her, have decided Palin is now damaged goods.  This is why people fear that when a good conservative appears on the scene, especially for a presidential race, and then "peaks too early," it may ruin their chances because it gives the liberal left plenty of time to launch attacks against them.

Scott Walker is a candidate that has conservatives even more excited than they were about Palin.  Though the attacks are light at the moment (because after their relentless attacks against him in Wisconsin they failed to dislodge him, and he actually gained in popularity), the liberal media has turned its attention to the Wisconsin governor that challenged the unions in a blue State, and applied conservative principles in that same State, survived three elections in four years amid protests and everything nationally invigorated Leftists could throw at him, and succeeded.  Wisconsin in a better State for it, and the Democrats know that in the 2016 Presidential Election, with Scott Walker on the ticket, the ten electoral votes for Wisconsin would go to the GOP. . . for the first time since the last great conservative candidate, Ronald Reagan.

Howard "Screaming" Dean, best known as a failed presidential candidate in 2004 that made him look even more like a cartoon character with his byaaaaaahhhhh scream, former Vermont governor, and former DNC chairman, shot a cannon ball across Scott Walker's bow, claiming he's not fit to be President of the United States because the Republican governor failed to finish his journey towards earning a college degree.

My first thoughts was, as a employer, which would I prefer as a new employee?  Someone straight out of college I will still have to train, plus debug from all of the useless garbage pumped into their skull, or someone with experience and a proven track record?


When I served in the Navy, Bootcamp Ensigns were the worst.  A lot of book knowledge was in their heads, but none of it was applicable to the realities of the functioning of a military unit, or the horrors of wartime.

But, academia is important to leftists.  If you don't have a college degree, you haven't gone through the indoctrination program offered by places like Yale, Harvard, Princeton, or any other number of institutions filled with communist professors and anti-American hatred.

People are surprised, after talking to me about any number of subjects, how aware I am regarding political issues, history, and how much I know and understand the U.S. Constitution.  I am not only not a lawyer, but I, myself, have no college degree.  I remember a leftist commenter on this website, back in 2010 when I was running for Murrieta City Council, hammered on the fact that I have "some college" (31 units to be exact).  At a fundraiser a woman, considering pumping a few dollars into my campaign, asked about my educational background, with a smug look on her face, and an opinion about having an education that mirrored Howard Dean's in the case of Scott Walker.

I responded, "I have an extensive education.  In fact, you may have heard of some of my professors.  They were Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Roger Sherman. . ."

She chuckled, as most people do when I tell that story.

There is a certain advantage to being self-taught.  You earn the knowledge without the indoctrination.  Might I remind you, also, a number of those Founding Fathers on my list of professors, and many of our greatest Presidents in history, did not achieve a collegiate degree during their lifetime.

Scott Walker is self-taught, and as governor he achieved results that no college educated person has been able to reach in their own States.  Politics are about results, and if the results are achieved by someone who left Marquette before he achieved his degree, so be it.  I want our next President of the United States to be capable of results, and I could care less about a piece of paper that verifies they went through the rigorous indoctrination of a leftist university.  Our current President graduated from Harvard, and look at the mess he's created.

Walker's response to Dean on the college question emerged on "The Kelly File" on Fox News.  Walker slammed Howard Dean for insulting his lack of a college degree.

"I said it’s interesting, that’s kind of the elitist government-knows-best top-down approach from Washington we’ve heard for years," said Walker.  "I don’t know about you, Megyn, but we’ve had an Ivy League-trained lawyer in the White House for the last six years, who was pretty good at reading off the teleprompter, but has done a lousy job leading this country. I’d rather have a fighter who’s actually proven he can take on the Big Government special interests and win."

Hmmm, sounds like what I said.  I wonder if it's true, "the truth has no agenda, and those who know the truth will come to the same conclusion?"

Walker continued, "I think there’s a lot of Americans out there that scratch their head and say, we have people who help found Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, plenty of other successful business enterprises across the country that did the exact same thing I did: have an opportunity to start a career, an opportunity to start a business senior year of college and went out and did it."

"I have two kids in college, I hope they finish, I expect that. My wife and I are helping to fund their pathway with the hard work they put in. So we value college for those who pursue that career. but in the end you don’t have to have that to be successful, as many Americans have over the years."

So, while Howard Dean is proclaiming that Scott Walker is too dumb to be President, Barack Obama is proving that failure seems to be a trait for those with Ivy League educations.

U.S. News and World Report jumped on the "Walker's too dumb to be President" bandwagon, as well.  According to the rarely read magazine, "A college degree isn't necessary for some, but it should be for the President of the United States... College used to be a mark of something (and someone) special, a level of education that separated the intellects from the less-academically inclined. Then, it became a minimum standard to get almost any kind of skilled job – even jobs that didn’t really require a college education. And now, the astronomically high price of attending college has had a doubly negative impact... we also need people who understand history and culture and who have developed the ability to think critically and independently.  So what do we want, then, in a president? Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s exploration of a presidential bid raises that question."

So, is U.S. News and World Report suggesting that if someone doesn't receive a college degree they are not capable of understanding history and culture?  If you never went through the full indoctrination of a university to receive a degree you can't think critically or independently?  In reality, the universities do the opposite, teaching the students to understand the progressive-agenda-laced revision of history and culture, and to think in a collective manner like bees in a hive.  I spent some time in college, and the assault against individualism was deafening.

Oh, by the way, with only 31 units, I understand history beyond most anyone I encounter, and I think critically and independently, but not because of those silly collegiate units.  It's amazing what the trade school of life and the university of hard knocks can instill in a person.

Kathleen Sebelius got her degree from the University of Kansas School of Business.  Not exactly Ivy League, but she's a hard left liberal progressive, so the political establishment turned the other cheek.  As Secretary of Health and Human Services her educated mind launched her to a life of Obamacare support, and other failures in her position.  Those failures did not reveal any competence as a result of having a college degree, nor did she have success as Kansas Governor where she called for increasing the sales-tax rate from 5.3% to 5.7%, and imposed a surcharge on state income taxes, and raised property taxes.  The great messiah Barack Obama has a Harvard degree, and he's ruining America.

I am not being down on education.  For some, I suppose it is a great path to take.  There are some jobs that require a degree.  My wife has five Associates Degrees, and a Bachelors in Psychology.  Those degrees have done wonders launching her on the path she desired.  Well, not really.  She works in retail side by side with the average, non-indoctrinated population.

With Obama's offer of free, federally funded (actually funded by those that pay exorbitant amounts for their kids to go to college) junior college, the value of a degree may cheapen even more, because for people like Mr. Obama, it's not about education, as much as it is about making sure the liberal left progressive socialist commies indoctrinate these young minds before they have a chance to learn anything from the walk of life.

Ah, but the question about education is not where the liberal left progressive crazies are stopping with Walker.  My, my, my, these attacks are in their infancy, and are only beginning.  The latest, now that it has been established by them that Scott Walker must be some kind of dummy because of his lack of a collegiate degree (If you'll remember, establishing a "they are dumb as a stump" narrative was also involved in the attacks against George "Dubya" Bush and Palin, as well), now they are trying to double-down on that by saying, "See?  He's so dumb, that he's hanging out with supply-siders."

The liberal left calls it "Trickle-Down economics," but it is simply a battle between their failed teachings of Keynesian Economic Theory, which demands that economies are only consumer driven and the way to "prime the pump" of a struggling economy is for government to borrow lots of fiat money and throw it at the problem, and "Supply-Side" economics that Von Mises taught that essentially establishes that economic growth is achieved by reducing the obstacles that stand in the way of production, be it regulations, or heavy taxation, or any other barrier the government seems to be good at throwing out there to stand in the way of a potentially vibrant free market.  

The Washington Post was quick to point out that Scott Walker was not only planning on having dinner in New York with a bunch of "supply-siders," but that these people were associated with. . . wait for it. . . the dreaded and hated. . . oh my God!!!! it's horrible!!!!. . . Ronald Reagan.


The Post goes on to tell us that this is Walker's attempt to "bolster his relationships with the GOP’s anti-tax wing," because we all know the Republicans want to totally eliminate taxes of any kind and shut down the federal government in order to force the federal government to place barriers in front of national parks and national monuments, and not allow school kids the opportunity to tour the White House.

That was sarcasm, for you readers that are members of the Democrat Party.

What Walker's dinner date tells us is that, as he was in Wisconsin, where the State's economy is currently flourishing with massive growth and success, Walker is business friendly and believes that tax cuts, and reducing regulations (and unclinching the union's iron grip hold on the system), is what works for invigorating economies.  And, it is historically proven. Presidents Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge proved the strategy of supply-side economics to work after World War I, ushering in the prosperous Roaring Twenties, and Ronald Reagan proved the strategy to be a rousing success when he applied supply-side tactics before launching America into the second most prosperous decade in American History (Behind the Roaring Twenties).

Walker, after all, is planning to run for President, and has already shut up those that claimed he didn't have the charisma to run for office at a national level after his rousing speech in Iowa last month, so it makes sense he would want to have dinner with influential conservatives and potential GOP donors.

The Washington Post was very careful to point out that Walker considers himself to be a devotee of Reagan’s economic philosophy - as if that makes him some kind of Frankenstein monster.

In truth, what all of this tells us is that Scott Walker scares the living doo-doo out of the liberal left more than any other candidate, and in my opinion, the one that frightens my opposition the most because of his conservative policies is the candidate most deserving of my attention. . . with or without a college degree, specifically because he rejects failed Keynesian philosophy, and because as governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker achieved positive results and did it while battling an onslaught of leftist attacks.

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