Friday, February 13, 2015

Hell Hath No Fury Like Megyn Kelly Over Obama's Pro-Jihadism

by JASmius

Very recently, the pro-U.S. government of Yemen, already under siege by AQAP (al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula), was defeated and ousted by Shiite jihadists loyal to the Islamic Empire of Iran.  The Obama Regime - represented in this clip from yesterday's The Kelly File - is attempting the spin that they didn't see this disaster coming, they were caught off-guard, that, in essence, [BLEEP] happens and what can we do?

Apparently, Miss Brains-In-Her-Bodice forgot who her interlocutor was, and the cross-examination was richly and deservedly brutal:

My takeaway from this interview?  A few of things:

1) As Megyn pointed out repeatedly, this is the third U.S. Middle East embassy - and remember that embassies are sovereign U.S. territory by definition - that the Obama Regime has abandoned since the overballeyhooed "Jihadist Arab Spring" - first Libya, then Syria, now Yemen, and probably Iraq in the very near future.  Yet Miss Psaki went ludicrously out of her way to try to spin that each of these retreats was separate and distinct, that there was no commonalities to them, and please, whatever you do, don't connect these dots.  Methinks she dost protest the day-glo obvious pattern too much.

2) Megyn describes what sounds like a pell-mell retreat that makes Saigon in April 1975 sound like a lazy afternoon stroll.  Yet Miss Psaki repeatedly tries to claim that this withdrawal was "planned for weeks in advance."  Which, ipso facto, can only mean that the Obama Regime planned a humiliating pell-mell retreat, abandoning embassy vehicles with the keys in the ignitions, frantically destroying classified materials (maybe), U.S. Marines being disarmed, and no military evacuation, but getting out of the country by whatever means they could find on their own.

In short, this was no accident, and they didn't get "caught off-guard"; it was deliberate.  Perhaps as a quid pro quo with the mullahs to help win their signature on Obama's surrender document regarding their nuclear weapons program?

3) When Megyn showed the newly jihadist-installed street signs all over Sana'a, the Yemeni capital, that all say "DEATH TO ISRAEL!  DEATH TO AMERICA!", Miss Psaki continue to insist that the U.S. still has "counter-terrorism assets" on the ground there with which we are still "working".  Does that not suggest that the "assets" with whom we are "working" in the new Yemen are now the jihadists themselves?

I'm going to keep saying this: No administration, no POTUS, no human being with a functioning brain is capable of this level and degree of "incompetence".  Ipso facto, this is deliberate pro-jihadist policy on behalf of Barack Obama, as has been "progressing" for going on four years, with no end in sight that doesn't have a mosque looming over it.

Exit question: Next time Jen Psaki is on The Kelly File, will she be wearing a burqa?

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