Friday, February 06, 2015

The Measles Narrative

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The White House response to the Measles epidemic, coupled with the narrative being played obediently by the mainstream media, is not only designed to distract you from recognizing that the disease is raging in eight States (or more, by now) as a direct result of President Obama's illegal immigration policies, but also to force more folks into the centralized programs regarding vaccinations.  While ignoring that the disease would not even be marching rapidly through our population if it wasn't for the Democrat policy of wide open borders, the blame is being redirected at parents who, for reasons of their own, have failed to allow their children to be vaccinated with the Measles vaccine.

The focus of the progressives in this issue has been to avoid any connection the arrival of the Measles may have to illegal immigration, but also to target those the administration consider fringe extremists who refuse to inoculate their children with government sponsored vaccines.

Don't get me wrong, vaccinations are an important part of our system.  The United States has eradicated diseases that remain a problem around the world because of our health system and our vaccination programs.  But, in a nation that champions liberty, these programs must not be mandatory as per government dictate, but something that is offered by local authorities (federal government has no constitutional authority to insert itself into this issue - though leftists will claim the General Welfare Clause is all the authority they need).

The Measles Narrative being used by the progressives to further centralize things.  Daring to stand against a centralized expectation of vaccinations, whether doing so as an individual is wise or not, is being targeted.  Dissent is being slammed.  Remember, their narrative is that without the federal government, nothing will get done, and society unravels. . . a premise that is patently false, and stands directly against the constitutional principles of limited government.  If you dare stand against that narrative, you will pay for it.  The White House, for example, is calling for higher health insurance rates for families who don't vaccinate their children.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

New White House Petition Calls for Higher Health Insurance Rates for Families who don't Vaccinate their Children - The Daily Sheeple

Savage: Disneyland Measles Part of Obama's Medical Genocide - World Net Daily

Health Care and the Constitution - Political Pistachio

Myth #7: The General Welfare Clause enables the federal government to take any action it deems necessary - Political Pistachio

Constitution Question: What are the Federal Government's Powers in the Face of an Epidemic, or Insurrection by a Religious Cult? - Political Pistachio

General Welfare Not Meant To Be A Clause - Political Pistachio

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