Friday, February 06, 2015

NBC Stands By “Lyin’ Brian” Williams, Rewards Him With Huge Bonus & Sole Ownership Of Thirty Rock

by JASmius

Okay, I made up the last part of that headline.  I just wanted to get into the spirit of the story.

From the same breed of vermin that coin epithets like "Faux News":

NBC News is standing by Brian Williams after the anchor’s admission that he embellished his role in a military incident during the Iraq war.

The network has not commented publicly, but an executive familiar with the matter says Williams will face no disciplinary action. His apology, delivered during the Wednesday edition of NBC Nightly News, was accepted internally.

Of course it was.  This isn't news any more than Williams' confabulating.  But report it I must, if only to have company for my misery.

I'll leave it to you to imagine the alternate outcome if the fabler had been, say, Brit Hume, or Neil Cavuto, or Sean Hannity, or Megyn Kelly.  But then we don't have to imagine that scenario, do we, since that's of what the Left, Obamedia included, endlessly accuses Fox News all the time?

UPDATE: Tom Brokaw - aka the "journalist" who used to hold "Lyin' Brian's" job - is making a big public show of wanting Williams' "head on a platter".  But since Brokaw has known that his successor is a filthy, inveterate liar going all the way back to when he told his Iraq whopper a dozen years ago, he comes across like a jackal flensing a...well, Williams can't be called a professional carcass, can he?  Maybe sour grapes over William's nice, big, fat, long, hard <ahem>  $10 million a year contract is a better explanation for Brokaw's avenging angelism.  We know it can't be "journalistic integrity," or any other such oxymorons.

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